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How to Enable Parent Lounge Payment Schedules


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Very Important!

Database Backup / Recovery

This Payment Schedule solution is tightly integrated via API with the School EasyPay payment processing platform. This means that payment schedule transactions in TASS are synchronised in real-time with School EasyPay.

You must be able to ensure that in the event of a system failure you are able to restore your TASS database to the state immediately prior to the failure. If you are unable to satisfy this, please do not proceed with this checklist. Instead, contact TASS Technical Support to discuss your options.

Once the School EasyPay API has been enabled, you must not attempt a database restoration without the assistance of TASS Technical Support. This includes restoring a database to a test or non-production environment.


Contact School EasyPay

Contact School EasyPay to discuss and complete their 'Activation Form' for TASS.


If Direct Banking has been in use, you must complete Steps 2 and 3. Otherwise, proceed to Step 4.


TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Generate Banking File.

Click the 'Purge' icon to remove all old direct banking files.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Generate Fee Receipts.

If 'Unreceipted Run IDs' are displayed, use this program to generate receipts for each Run ID.


If Payment Schedules has been in use, you must complete Steps 4 and 5. Otherwise, proceed to Step 6.


TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Listings & Reports > Payment Schedules Reports.

Run this report in 'Detailed Payment Scheduled Report' mode. 'Save' this report for future reference if required.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules.

Delete all Payment Schedules that are displayed.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Fees' tab.

Create a new 'Charge' Fee Code for processing 'Recall Transactions' and set the General Ledger Account to a suspense/clearing account.

The Recall Transactions Fee Code will be required for Step 8 below.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Parent Lounge' tab.

Tick 'Enable Parent Lounge Payment Schedule Payments' checkbox and define the fields in the 'Payment Schedules' section.

Read, and when understood, acknowledge the messages.

Click 'Save' to complete the enabling of Parent Lounge Payment Schedules.



TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on the ‘General’ tab.

Ensure the ‘Hide Unassigned Split Family Payment Methods from being visible in Parent Lounge’ checkbox is ticked and click Save.



TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on the ‘Split Family Access’ tab.

Ensure Split Family Access is set up for families where required.  For more information see How to Handle Split Family Arrangements.


If you have previously set up Payment Schedules and have existing Payment Methods in the Parent Lounge, you must also decide which methods each SFA Number will be able to use in the Parent Lounge.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Split Billing Accounts

Ensure Split Billing Accounts are set up for families where required.  For more information, see How to Handle Split Family Arrangements.



TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance.

On the External APIs tab, select 'Payment Gateways'.

Click the 'New Payment Gateway' button and add the API details for 'School EasyPay' using the credentials provided by School Easypay.

If you upload a file to the ‘Terms and Conditions Attachment’ field, a link to this document will be available on the Parent Lounge 'Add Payment Schedule' screen.

The ‘Terms and Conditions’ link on the Parent Lounge ‘+New Payment Method’ screen is a link to the ‘School Easypay Terms and Conditions’ and is not editable.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Payment Schedule Emails' tab.

Review the template emails displayed.

Click 'Edit' on each email template and set to 'Active' if required and amend the message text as required.



TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Ensure the below permissions have been activated for Parent Lounge for the following:

  • School Fees Account.

  • Schools Fees Account - Payment Methods.

  • Schools Fees Account - Payment Schedule.

Consider activating the following permission:

  • School Fees Account - Payment Schedule - Delete.

Activating this permission enables a parent to delete their payment schedule if they have not made any payments. Once parents have made payments they cannot delete their payment schedule.



Commence 'Auto Account Billing Checklist'.


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