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PAC - GL Integration Tab (SU)

This is the program used to set up the pre-defined GL distribution areas and fee journal codes to be used in posting of fees transactions to the General Ledger.

To edit any of these GL distribution areas or fee journal codes, click on the 'Edit' icon at the top of the screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require further explanation

Parent Debtors Control Account

The default debtors control account code in the General Ledger.

Default Bank Account

The default bank account code in the General Ledger used for receipting.

Discount Account

The default discount account code in the General Ledger used when applying discounts against receipts.

Tax Account

The default tax account in the General Ledger to be used for fees receipting.

Surcharge Account

The account in the General Ledger to be used for surcharges collected from online payments made in Parent Lounge.

Surcharging integration is only available when using the CBA BPoint payment gateway and the Hosted Payments Page.

Fees Journal Code

The pre-defined GL fees journal code.

Cash Receipts Journal Code

The pre-defined GL cash receipts journal code.

Deposit Refund Journal Code

The pre-defined GL deposit refund code.

Default Tax Code

The pre-defined GL tax code.

Last Posting Date

System maintained date of the last GL fees posting.

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