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PAC - Parent Lounge Tab (SU)

This is the program used to:

  • Enable published parent statements to be viewed in Parent Lounge program Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account.

  • Determine the format of the Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account page in Parent Lounge.

Parent Lounge - Pay Account Settings

Display Published Statements in Parent Lounge

  • None — Select this if you do not want published statements appearing in Parent Lounge program Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account.

  • Last Statement Only — The last published statement only will appear for parents. Each time you publish a new parent statement the old one will be removed from parents' view.

  • Current Year Statement — All published statements for the current year will be available to the parents.

  • All Statements — All published statements from the time that you first started using this facility will be available to the parents.

Account Balance to show in Parent Lounge

Current Account Balance Only:

When this option is selected, only the current account balance will be displayed in the 'Account Details' section of the 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account' page in Parent Lounge. 

Last Statement & Current Balances:

When this option is selected, the following fields will be displayed in the 'Account Details' section of the 'Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account' page in Parent Lounge:



Last Statement Balance

Less: Payment since last statement. 

Last Statement Outstanding Balance

Plus: New charges since last statement.

Less: New credits since last statement.

Current Balance of Account

Current balance of the account is displayed.

This option needs to be selected to display Edstart Payments.

Building Fund label

This is the default building fund text that will display to parents on the Parent Lounge on line 'School Fee Payment' page.

It becomes redundant as soon as you elect to 'Display Published Statements in Parent Lounge' (by selecting either of the 'Last Statement only', Current Year Statements' or 'All Statements' options above).

This is because the building fund text that is then displayed to the parents in the Parent Lounge on line 'School Fee Payment' page is entered when statements are generated using TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements on the 'Additional Info' tab.

Building Calculation

This is the default method of applying the building fund that will display to parents on the Parent Lounge on line 'School Fee Payment' page.

It also becomes redundant as soon as you elect to 'Display Published Statements in Parent Lounge'.

Payment Schedules

Enable Parent Lounge Payment Schedules Payments

When enabled, parents will be able to set up payment methods and build their own payment schedules in Parent Lounge on the 'School Fee Account' page and instalments will be processed automatically via secure API integration with the School Easypay payment processing platform.

Once 'Parent Lounge Payment Schedules' is enabled, it cannot be disabled.

When enabled, the old Direct Banking programs will no longer be available for use.

Before ticking this checkbox, it is essential that you have reviewed the following two guides:

  1. 'How to Enable Parent Lounge Payment Schedules'.
    You must review the 'Database Backup / Recovery' notice at the top of this guide and verify that you are compliant. You should review all steps in this guide and be certain that you will be able to complete each and every step.

  2. 'Auto Account Billing Checklist'.
    You should review this guide and understand the impact of enabling Parent Lounge Payment Schedules on the billing cycle.

To make Payment Methods available or unavailable to Split Family Access Parents in Parent Lounge, use TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on theSplit Family Access’ tab.

Settlement Bank Account

When PLPS is enabled, you must nominate the Bank Account to which daily settlements from School Easypay will be credited.

Fee Code for processing Recall transactions

On rare occasions, a payment schedule instalment will be processed and settled to the school's bank account then subsequently recalled.

To process a recall, a dedicated 'Charge' Fee Code (called 'Payment Recall' or similar) must be set up using TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Fees' tab

Text displayed in Parent Lounge for declined payments

This text will be displayed in Parent Lounge on the 'School Fee Account' page next to any declined instalments,

For example, 'Payment was declined - Please contact the school promptly to discuss payment'.

Text displayed in Parent Lounge for recalled payments

This text will be displayed in Parent Lounge on the 'School Fee Account' page next to any recalled instalments.

For example, 'Payment was recalled - Please contact the school promptly to discuss payment'.

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