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PAC - Generate Banking File


Direct Banking has been replaced by a Parent Lounge Payment Schedules facility.

Parent Lounge Payment Schedules is a self-serve solution for parents that includes tokenisation of their card and bank details and automatic processing of instalments including back end receipting and reconciliation.

Direct Banking is not available when Parent Lounge Payment Schedules has been enabled.

The level of user access to this program should be carefully considered as the information that is maintained should be kept secure. Although certain bank account and credit card information is stored in an encrypted form in the database, it is strongly advised that the EDIT permission for this program is carefully considered to ensure access to sensitive credit card numbers is protected.

For more information about using the new facility that has replaced this module see:


The TASS.web Parent Accounts ‘Generate Banking File’ program is used to generate a file suitable for sending to banks using a standard 'ABA' (Australian Banking Association) format or a file suitable for sending to certain credit card clearinghouses.

Two types of banking files can be produced:

  1. Bank Accounts (for parents who have nominated that their arrangement will be paid by direct debit).

  2. Credit Cards (for parents who have nominated that their arrangement will be paid by credit card).

Bank Accounts

Fields that require further explanation

Bank Accounts

Check this radio button to indicate if this file is to be generated for parents who have an arrangement to have the direct banking come from their bank account.

Include credit line in this file

Some banks require this information to be included in the file.

For Australian schools, this checkbox is ticked by default if you are using Commonwealth Bank of Australia (the 'Financial Institution Code' as set up in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Direct Banking Parameters on the 'Parameters' tab (Financial Institution Code = 'CBA'). 

ANZ, NAB and WBC will default to unticked.

If you bank with WBC (Westpac) check with them before generating your first file.


Use this field to determine which group of parents to include in the generated file, e.g. you may be running this for your parents who are on a monthly cycle.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion. Therefore, you can generate a file with a combination of two or more cycles.

Transaction Processing Date

This is the date that will be included in the file.


This program will allow multiple banking files to be generated on the same day. It will provide a warning if it detects that more than one file has been generated. Check carefully before proceeding that you are not accidentally processing the same file twice. If unsure, use the 'History' button at the top of the screen.

Credit Cards

Fields that require further explanation

Credit Card

Check this radio button to indicate if this file is to be generated for parents who have an arrangement to have the direct banking drawn from their credit cards.


The 'School's Merchant Number' field must be populated in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Direct Banking Parameters for the credit card fields to be active.

Ensure that this arrangement has been set up before using this option. This is bank/clearinghouse dependent.

Credit Card Format

This is the published format of the third party clearing institution for their credit card payment processing.

TASS.web currently supports five formats:

  1. CBA (Commonwealth Bank of Australia).

  2. NAB (National Australia Bank).

  3. St George.

  4. Dialect.

  5. ADF (Arch Diocesan Development Fund).


Westpac does not currently support credit card payments processed directly by TASS.


Use this field to determine which group of parents to include in the generated file, e.g. You may be running this for your parents who are on a monthly cycle.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion. Therefore, you can generate a file with a combination of two or more cycles.

Transaction Processing Date

This is the date that will be included in the file.


This program will allow multiple banking files to be generated on the same day. It will provide a warning if it detects that more than one file has been generated. Check carefully before proceeding that you are not accidentally processing the same file twice. If unsure, use the 'History' button at the top of the screen.

Click the 'GO' button to generate the parent direct banking file or the 'Cancel' button to return to the previous screen without committing the record to the TASS.web database.

Click on the 'Download' button to save the generated file to the appropriate directory on your network. You can then use your desktop banking product to submit the file to your bank.

History Button

TASS.web keeps a history of generated bank files. To access this history, click on the 'History' button at the top of the 'Generate Banking File' screen.

You can access the history in either of two formats:

  1. PDF document. This format is best for printing the history of generated bank files.

  2. Screen with Hyperlinks. This format is best if you need to 'drill-down' to [open/download] the attached [report/file]. 

Click on the 'View' link in the 'Attachments' column.

Purging Your Old Banking Files

To protect parent credit card details, old banking files generated during past Direct Banking runs should be purged/deleted from the system. This should be done immediately after the file has been successfully submitted to the bank or clearinghouse for processing.

To purge credit card and/or bank files, click the ' Purge ' button at the top of the screen. A summary of the number of files to be purged will be displayed.

A warning icon will be displayed at the top of the screen if there are any unpurged credit card files.

Use the 'History' button at the top of the screen to produce a listing of all past Direct Banking runs. Those with a 'View' link in the 'Attachment' column have not been purged. 

Use the 'Purge Options' to nominate whether all credit card/bank file records will be purged (recommended) or only files created on or before a specific date.

Click the 'Next' button to display a list screen with the Direct Banking runs that have the file still attached.

Click the 'Purge' button to delete these banking files permanently.

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