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Online Tests


Online Tests require students to answer Questions in Student Café. 

The Questions in an Online Test are displayed to students one at a time. Once a student has reached the last Question in an Online Test, they will be prompted to either review their Questions or submit the Online Test.

Online Tests can:

  • Include a time limit.

  • Randomise the order of Questions when displayed to each student.

  • Automatically calculate the results for students.

  • Display the Online Test and automatically calculated results to students after completion.

The process of creating and delivering an Online Test to students is as follows:

  1. Create the Questions you would like to include in your Online Test using this 'Question Builder' in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign) > Questions.

  2. Create the Online Test using Questions from your own My Learning Objects Repository or the school's Central Repository using the 'Online Test Builder' in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign) > Online Tests.

  3. Attach the Online Test to an Activity (Standalone) using the 'Activity Builder' available in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign) > Activity (Standalone).

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