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webBook will be discontinued from the January 2025 release (version 60.01.200).

Please switch over to Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook or Assessment > Enter Results and Comments if you haven't already.

webBook has been enhanced and built within Staff Kiosk. Most of the functionality is cross-compatible between Staff Kiosk and webBook, although some new features only exist in Staff Kiosk.

Refer to these areas of the Knowledge Base for more information:

Getting Started with webBook

webBook (wB) caters for both Progressive Assessment and Final Assessment.

Regardless of whether you are entering progressive assessment (Activity) results and comments or final results and comments, you will need to use the 'Reporting Period Selection' screen in webBook first.

We suggest that to get started, you first access the 'Reporting Period Selection' instructions (on the left).

Then depending on whether you are working with Progressive Assessment or Final Assessment, that you access these areas of the help for detailed instructions and examples.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Search' function to find information relating to a topic.


You can access the TASS.web knowledge base at any time via the 'Question mark' icon, in the top toolbar.

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