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wB - Final Results

webBook will be discontinued from the January 2025 release (version 60.01.200).

Please switch over to Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook or Assessment > Enter Results and Comments if you haven't already.

Final Assessment Overview

webBook Final Assessment allows teachers to enter final student results and comments for their subject classes (accessed by clicking on the 'Enter Results' links in the 'Assessment Options' screen). 

It also includes an option to enter results quickly using a grid format (accessed by clicking on the 'Grid Entry' links in the 'Assessment Options' screen).

Results that have been calculated using webBook Progressive Assessment will also be visible in the Final Assessment section of webBook.

Functionality available includes:

  • Freeform or validated result entry.
  • Result related comments (with lookup).
  • Freeform comments entry or selection from school or personal comment banks.
  • Comment spell checking.
  • Ability to print a subject class with result and comments.
  • Option to maintain student final results that have been derived from raw scores entered through Progressive Assessment.

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