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wB - Activity Setup

webBook will be discontinued from the January 2025 release (version 60.01.200).

Please switch over to Staff Kiosk Assessment if you haven't already.

Staff Kiosk has several programs that allow you to create Activities:

  • Staff Kiosk Home Page > My Timetable. Use the Hamburger menu and select 'Create Activity'.

  • Staff Kiosk Home Page > My Timetable. Use the Hamburger menu and select 'Create Homework' (this would only be used for Homework Activities that are non-assessable).

  • Rollcall > Class Rollcall. Use the Hamburger menu and select 'Create Activity'.

  • Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign). Use the 'Create Learning Object' button and select 'Activity'.

  • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Setup. Use the 'New Activity' button to create a new Activity. 
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