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TASS.web User Interface

The three main elements of the TASS.web user interface (UI) are:

  1. The Top Toolbar.

  2. The Left Menu Panel.

  3. The Work Area.

The Top Toolbar



TASS.web Logo

The TASS.web logo doubles as a 'Home' button, which will return you to the default home page or your own bookmarked home page each time you click on it. 

See 'Bookmarks' section below on how to add your own home page.

Latest Release Notes

Use this icon to access the latest Release Notes located on the TASS.web Help Centre.
Each release version explains the completed enhancements and corrections of interest.


The Help icon opens the TASS.web Knowledge Base (aka the 'Online Help') where you will find a collection of how-tos, FAQs, videos, troubleshooting tips and information about each program in the TASS suite. 

Change Company

Select from the list of companies that you have been allocated access to (via program System Admin > Users > User Maintenance)

Check the radio button against the company you want to change to and click 'Save'.

Profile Name

Hover over your name to display details of your TASS.web instance. You will also find important support information including contact details and quick access links to the following:

  • Name and Code

  • Current release version

  • Support Phone number

  • Customer Hub: Click to open the Customer Hub in a new browser window.

  • Support Request: Click to open a Support Request Form in a new browser window.

  • TASS Community Forum: Click to open the TASS Forum in a new browser window.

  • Service Level Agreement (SLA): Click to open the TASS SLA in a new browser window.

  • Software Licence Agreement: Click to open the TASS Software Licence Agreement in a new browser window.

  • Release My Locks: Gives the user the ability to release any record locks they currently hold.

  • Logout: Log out of your session.


Log out of your TASS.web session.

Software Update

When a software update is available, click this icon to open the TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > TASS Software Update where details of the update will be available to review.

The Left Menu Panel

The left menu panel contains two tabs:

  • 'Menu' tab 

  • 'Bookmarks' tab 

Menu tab

The Menu tab displays the different TASS.web areas. From here, you can drill-down into the various modules and programs, e.g. 'Student Admin'. When a program is selected, it will display in the Work Area.

Bookmarks tab

The Bookmarks tab allows easy access to commonly visited areas, and the ability to add your own bookmarks for easy access.



Add Bookmark

To add one or more bookmarks:

  • In the Menus tab, open the TASS.web program you wish to bookmark.

  • With the program still open in the work area, go to the Bookmarks tab and click 'Bookmark+' and the Bookmark modal will open.

  • Enter a title (this will display in your saved bookmarks list).

  • Click the 'Populate with Current URL' button (this inserts the open program's URL).

  • Tick the 'Homepage' checkbox if you wish to make the page your Homepage (this will link the TASS.web logo to this bookmarked URL).

  • Click 'Save'.

The link will save in your bookmarks list. Repeat for each program you wish to save in your bookmarks list.

Bookmarked Page

As bookmarks are added they will display in the list below the Add Bookmark icon. Click a hyperlink to go to the bookmarked section.

Homepage Bookmark

To set a 'Homepage' bookmark:

  • In the Menus tab, open the TASS.web program you wish to bookmark.

  • With the program still open in the work area, go to the Bookmarks tab and click 'Bookmark+' and the Bookmark modal will open.

  • Enter a Title (this will display in your saved bookmarks list).

  • Click the 'Populate with Current URL' button (this inserts the open program's URL).

  • Tick the 'Homepage' checkbox (this will link the TASS.web logo to this bookmarked URL and appear as the first page you see in the Work Area when you login).

  • Click 'Save'.

The link will display first in your bookmarks list along with the house icon to indicate it is the 'Home' bookmark.

Only one bookmark can be saved as the 'Home' bookmark. All other bookmarks will display in a list under the Home bookmark.

Edit/Delete Bookmark

Click on the options menu to 'Open', 'Edit' or 'Delete' an existing bookmark.

Community Plus

Click this icon to access Community Plus.


Click this icon to access webBook.

My Saved Lists


Click the 'My Saved Lists' icon to view and manage saved reports generated by the TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Details Listing and schedule them to be distributed via email.

From the ‘hamburger menu’ you can:

  • Click 'Run Report' to access the Details Listing, then click 'Go' to generate your report. 

  • Click 'Maintain Schedules' to create and modify schedules. 

Maintain Schedules

Within the ‘Maintain Schedules’ program you can:

  • Schedule when a report is run and distributed.

  • Specify individual people to receive the report.

  • Specify groups of people to receive the report.

  • View and manage scheduled listing occurrences.


Click the ‘+ Create Schedule’ button to create a new schedule for the selected list.


Click the 'Schedule Status’ button to filter by ‘Schedule Status'. The default status filter is 'Current Schedules', the other filter options are All Schedules, Completed Schedules, Cancelled Schedules.

When the ‘Schedule Status' filter criteria has been met, the following details will display in the grid:


Columns that require further explanation


This will appear in the body of the email sent to recipients. 


The type of report or listing used to generate the schedule.


This field indicates if a schedule has been cancelled.  Y = Yes, N = No.

Next Date

Next Time

Indicates when the report will be run next. 


The number of recipients the report will be sent to. 

Past Occurrences

The number of times the report was generated when it was scheduled.

Future Occurrences

The number of times the report is scheduled to be generated in the future.


Select from the icons to:

‘Printer’ icon - A shortcut link to the Details Listing.  View and edit the settings and parameters of the report. Click ‘Go’ to print the report.

‘Magnifying Glass’ icon - View the Schedule without making changes to it.

‘List’ icon - Edit the 'Schedule Occurrences' of the report, create a new occurrence for the report, delete a future occurrence, and view the status of the report occurrences.  Status options are: Scheduled, Processing, Completed and Failed.

'Pencil' icon - Edit the Schedule.

‘Rubbish Bin’ icon - Delete the Schedule. You will be prompted for confirmation.

Create a New Schedule

From the My Saved Lists screen, click on the ‘hamburger menu’ next to the report you wish to schedule, then click the '+ Create Schedule' button.

Multiple schedules can be created if you would like different recipients to receive the email at different times or with a different message. 

At the scheduled date and time, an automated email will be sent to the recipients. The automated email contents are defined in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > Scheduled Listing template.  A custom message for each schedule can also be included by adding text to the 'Message' field. 

The report will be emailed to the recipients from the 'no reply' email address specified in TASS.web program Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information

The Scheduled Listing System Email Template is used for sending emails in both Staff Kiosk My Saved Lists and TASS.web My Saved List program. 

The <<Click here to review your Scheduled Listings>> keyword link is only active in reports/schedules generated by Staff Kiosk My Saved Lists.  The link is not active in emails/reports generated by the TASS.web My Saved Lists program.

Fields that require further explanation


A brief description about the report schedule.

E.g. Year 10 Weekly Attendance Report.

This description can be inserted into the body of the Scheduled Listing email template via the ‘keywords’ icon in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates.

In the email template, there is a separate area for ‘Email Subject’, this description is not used as the ‘Email Subject’. 


A message for the recipients of the scheduled report.

E.g. This report contains a list all Year 10 students who have been absent this week. 

This message can be inserted into the body of the Scheduled Listing email template via the ‘keywords’ icon in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates.


Define how often you want the recipients to receive this automated email. 

E.g. Every week on Monday or every weekday.

*Schedule Date

Define the date/s that you’d like the recipients to receive this email.

A report cannot be scheduled to run indefinitely. You must specify when the report will stop being sent. If you want the report to run for a long time, specify an end date far into the future.

*Schedule Time

Schedule the time you'd like the recipients to receive this email. 

The scheduled task which sends these emails run every 10-15 minutes. You might like to schedule it a couple of minutes prior to the time you want the email to land in their inbox. 

Schedule Recipients

'+Add Recipient' to add the group of people and/or individual recipients you want to receive this email. 

Recipients can be:

  • Individual recipients - teaching staff and non-teaching staff (employees). 

  • Head of House

  • Head of Year 

  • Teacher Department e.g. English Department 

  • Groups 

Click here for more information about Heads, Departments and Groups.

'Head of House' can be setup in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup > Houses tab.

'Head of Year' can be setup in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup > School Section Years tab.

‘Teacher Department' e.g. English Department, is setup in two areas. H.O.D. and Department Administrator are assigned in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Subject Dept. tab. Teachers are assigned to departments in TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teachers > General tab > 'Teacher Department’ field.

'Groups' can be created in Staff Kiosk program Teacher > Groups.

Recipients of reports scheduled from TASS.web are not required to have permission for the report program.  It is up to the user scheduling the report to ensure that all recipients have clearance for the data returned.

You must tick the checkbox to “acknowledge that recipients may not have permission to access the program that generates this report”.

To schedule reports to recipients to users other than themselves, the user who has scheduled the report must have Security Role Permissions set to ‘View’ on ‘Create Schedules for all Recipients’. If the user who has scheduled the report does not have the ‘Create Schedules for all Recipients’ security point permission, then the other recipients will not receive a copy of the report.

User Permissions

To use 'My Saved Lists', you must have the 'My Saved Lists’ user security permissions. 

To use 'Maintain Schedules, you must have either ‘Create Schedules for all Recipients’ or ‘Create Schedules for Themselves Only’ user permissions.

User Permissions can be managed using TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

Staff Kiosk

Click this icon to access Staff Kiosk.


The default is for the program to display Birthdays for 'Today Only'. Alternatively, you can elect to display Birthdays for 'Current Week', 'Next 7 days', 'Next 30 days'.

Click 'Print' to generate a listing of the Birthdays displayed.

Public Calendar

Click this icon to view the School Calendar events and notices in Staff Kiosk for the Public Calendar.

The Work Area

The Work Area displays the program selected from the Menu option.

If you have set up a ‘Homepage Bookmark’, the selected homepage will appear in this area as the first screen you see each time you log in.

Click on the TASS.web logo to collapse expanded menus and return to the default home page, or the page you have set as your own homepage.

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