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My Saved Lists

This multi-purpose program displays various personalised lists.

Use the 'hamburger menu' to:

  • View a list of students included in a saved list (use the 'View Students' option).
  • Run a saved list (use the 'Run Report' option).
  • Send an email to the students included in a saved list (use the 'Generate Emails' option).

    Click here for more information.
  • Send an SMS to the students included in a saved list (use the 'Send SMS' option). More info on sending SMS.
  • Send a Notification to the students (and/or their parents) included in a saved list (use the 'Create Notification' option). More info on adding Notifications.
  • Create Custom Rolls for the students included in a saved list (use the 'Create Custom Roll' option). More info on Custom Rolls.
  • Schedule a report to run (use the 'Maintain Schedules' option). More info on Maintain Schedules.

The 'Saved Lists' program can be accessed from:

There are three different types of 'Saved Lists':

  1. My Saved Reports. This allows you to save your report selections into a template that can be reused later.

    Click here for information on how to create and delete report templates using option 'My Saved Reports'.

    This listing/email program has extensive selection options. These options can be saved as a 'My Saved Report' for later reuse.

    You can use the 'My Saved Reports' drop-down list to access your previously saved templates.

    You can delete a previously saved template by selecting it from the 'My Saved Reports' drop-down list and clicking the 'Delete' button.

    To delete a saved list, do so via the listing/email program that you used to create it. Use the column 'Menu Option' to identify the program used.

    You can modify a previously saved template by selecting it from the 'My Saved Reports' drop-down list, making the necessary changes to the report options, then clicking 'GO'.

    Your saved reports can't be accessed by another user and vice versa. This is because each template is dependent on the individual user's security permissions.

    Your saved reports will also become available via 'My Saved Lists' on the homepage menu or via the 'Listings' top menu.

    'My Saved Reports' can be created using the following programs:

  2. My Classes

  3. My Groups   created using Staff Kiosk program Teacher > Group

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