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Scheduled Listing

*Template NameScheduled Listing
*TriggerWhen a scheduled listing is generated in Staff Kiosk My Saved Lists and TASS.web My Saved Lists
*Email SubjectScheduled Listing
*CategorySchedule Reports
Attachment FileOptional.
Message Body

Please find attached the <<Schedule Description>> listing scheduled by <<Schedule Creator>>.  This listing was generated on <<Generated Date>> at <<Generated Time>>.

The details of this listing are:
<<Schedule Message>>
This listing will be generated again on <<Next Due Date>> at <<Next Due Time>>.

<<Click here to review your Scheduled Listings>>

This is an automated email. Please do not reply
This email was intended solely for the addressee.


The default system email message contains the above text and keywords (the keywords are bracketed << >>).

This message can be changed via the 'Email Settings' program using a combination of text and the keywords provided.

The email message section contains a 'Froala' toolbar with formatting tools, a pick list of keywords that can be used for keyword substitution, and a preview icon.

The following keywords can be used for keyword substitution in the email message, specifically for Scheduled Listing:

  • Click here to review your Scheduled Listings  

    This keyword link is only active in reports/schedules generated by Staff Kiosk My Saved Lists.   The link does not work for reports/schedules generated by TASS.web My Saved Lists.

  • Generated Date
  • Generated Time
  • Next Due Date
  • Next Due Time
  • Schedule Creator
  • Schedule Description
  • Schedule Message

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