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How to Enable SMTP Emailing and Set Up Communication Log Permissions

This checklist can be used to:

  • Enable and set up SMTP Emailing.

  • Configure permissions for the Communication Log.


Menu Path



TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings on the 'Parameters' tab.

Use the fields on this tab to set up the school's default options when generating SMTP emails.



TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings on the 'Footer Setup' tab.

Use the fields on this tab to:

  • Customise the school's email signature.

  • Add an image that will be displayed as part of the school's email signature.

  • Customise the footer (disclaimer) text that will be displayed as part of the school's email signature.

The email signature configured here will automatically be sent with each outgoing email.

Recommendations for image:

Height (Pixels): 300

Width (Pixels): 600

File types: GIF, JPG or PNG



TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings on the 'Categories' tab.

Use this tab to set up the Email Categories that will be used to record SMTP emails in the Communication Log.

The categories setup here will also be used to set up permissions when viewing and sending emails to the Communication Log.



TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings on the 'Categories' tab.

Each Email Category created in Step 3 can be set up as a security permission. 

For TASS.web users, click the 'Roles' option to set up, view and edit permissions for each Email Category.



TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the 'Enrolments' tab.

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Student Records' tab.

  1. Tick the option 'Enable SMTP Emails'.

  2. In the 'Communication Type for SMTP Emails' picklist, select the 'Communication Rule' to use when sending emails from the Enrolments module.
    For further information on the rules available click here.



TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

  1. Enable SMTP Emails.
    Ensure that the permission 'Enable SMTP Emails' option in the 'Other Permissions' section is ticked.

  2. Allocate Permissions to Email Categories.
    Each Email Category can be set up as a security permission for Staff Kiosk users.   
    Teachers/non-teachers will be able to send emails using any Email Category that they have permission to view. 
    The permissions that control the Email Categories that can be viewed are prepended with [Email Category] in the 'Student' section.

  3. Send to All Email Categories.
    Allow teachers to send emails using any email category (not just the ones they can view) using the 'Send Email to all Categories' permission in the 'Other Permissions' section.


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