Commercial Debtors UI Maintenance
The Product UI Maintenance program controls the banner and logo in the Commercial Debtors Online Payment Portal.
Step 1 Prepare your banner
If you intend to use a banner you will need to prepare an image file such as a jpeg, gif or png.
Step 2 Prepare your logo
If you intend to use a logo you will need to prepare an image file such as a jpeg, gif or png.
Step 3 Add your banner
Click on the 'Images' tab and the 'Add Image' button.
Complete the following setups:
TASS/Portal | Commercial Debtors |
Image Type | Banner |
Image Number | This is an automatically allocated sequential number. You would create multiple image numbers if you intend to change the banners regularly. As an example you may have a banner that you use during holiday periods. |
Enabled | This flag is used to determine if this banner image is the current one displayed in Commercial Debtors Portal. Use this to turn banner images on and off. |
Image Upload | Use the 'Browse' button to locate the file that you want to attach as the banner image (as setup in Step 1). |
Background Colour | Use the colour picker or enter a hexadecimal code. To make the transition from the banner to the background less obvious, set this colour to the same hexadecimal code that you have in your banner image background. |
Background Colour 2 | You can pick a second colour and the banner background section will graduate from the colour above to this one. |
Transparent | If your banner image has any transparent area, the 'Background Colour' above will be displayed. |
Repeat Image | If your banner image is relatively small, you can elect to have it repeat across the top section of the Commercial Debtors Portal. |
Horizontal Position | Choose to have the banner positioned on the left, centred, on the right or at a specific screen co-ordinate. |
Vertical Position | Choose to have the banner positioned at the top, in the middle, on the bottom or at a specific screen co-ordinate within the banner panel area. |
Click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database.
Step 4 Add your logo
Click on the 'Images' tab and the 'Add Image' button.
Complete the following setups:
TASS/Portal | Commercial Debtors |
Image Type | Logo |
Image Number | This is an automatically allocated sequential number. It would be unlikely to have more than one logo image. |
Enabled | This flag is used to determine if this logo image is the current one displayed in the Commercial Debtors Portal. |
Image Upload | Use the 'Browse' button to locate the file that you want to attach as the logo image (as setup in Step 2). |
Click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database.
Step 5 Add your styles
Click on the 'Styles' tab and the 'Add Product' button.
Choose 'Commercial Debtors' from the dropdown list and click the 'Next' button.
Complete your colour choices on the 'Toolbar' panel.
Click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database.
Step 6 Prepare and add your Login image
If you are going to customise the image that is displayed as part of the login screen, you will need to prepare an image file such as a jpeg, gif or png.
As a rough guide, an image size of 300 pixels in width and 150 pixels in height works well.
Click on the 'Images' tab and the 'Add Image' button.
Complete the following setups:
TASS/Portal | CD Online Payment Portal |
Image Type | Login |
Image Number | This is an automatically allocated sequential number. It would be unlikely to have more than one login image. |
Enabled | This flag is used to determine if this login image is the current one displayed in Commercial Debtors Online Payment Portal. |
Image Upload | Use the 'Browse' button to locate the file that you want to attach as the login image. |