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How to Setup the Appointment Self Registration Portal (APPSR)






System Admin > Users> Portal Security Permissions
Teacher Kiosk

Assign the appropriate permissions to the appropriate User Role or Users to enable the Staff Kiosk setup screens. 

  • 'Appointment Categories (Setup)'

  • 'Appointment Types (Setup)'

  • 'Appointment Parameters (Setup)'



Staff Kiosk > Calendar > Appointment Categories (Setup)

Add your preferred Categories of student appointments.



Staff Kiosk > Calendar > Appointment Types (Setup)

Add your preferred Types of student appointments.

Each new appointment is assigned an Appointment Type. As each Appointment Type is added, it's own permission point is created to control staff access to each type.



System Admin > Users> Portal Security Permissions
Teacher Kiosk

Assign each Appointment Type permission to the appropriate User Role or Users. 



Staff Kiosk > Calendar > Appointment Types (Setup)

Set up the Self-Registration portal (APPSR) parameters (if using).



System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions
Student Cafe

Assign the 'Student Appointments' permission to the appropriate Year Group or Users to allow students to view the 'Appointments' Calendar Feed on their eDiary.


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