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Parent Orbit Product Images

Banner images and Sliding images can be added to display on the Parent Orbit app homepage.

Click on the Images tab and the Add Image button.  Complete the following setup:

Product Image Details

*TASS / Portal

Select 'Parent Orbit'

*Image Type

Select 'Banner' or 'Image Slider' appropriate to the image you are setting up.

*Image Number

Enter an image number identifier.


Tick this box to enable this image to display in Parent Orbit app.

*Image Upload

Choose the image file from the image location.

Acceptable file formats are JPEG, GIF or PNG. The image will resize to fit in 400w x 200h dimensions.

Image Styles

Background Colour

Select a background colour from the colour picker, or enter a valid hexadecimal value, to be used for this image.

Top Text Colour

Applicable to 'Banner' type images only.

Select a text colour from the colour picker, or enter a valid hexadecimal value, to be used at the top of the home page.

Sort Order

Applicable to 'Image Slider' type images only.

Enter a number to indicate the order that this image should display in relation to the other sliding images.

Image Hyperlink 

Applicable to ‘Image Slider’ type images only.   

Enter a URL for your Image Slider.    

Hyperlink Target 

Applicable to ‘Image Slider’ type images only.   

Select how you would like your URL to open and display from the app: ‘Embedded’ within the app or open outside the app in a ‘New Window’. 

The Image Slider frame rate can customised by adjusting the ‘Frame Rate’ field in TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.