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Adding a New Application

Adding a New (Leave) Application Overview

Click the '+ New Application' button to display the 'Leave Application – Step 1' screen.

Choose the type of application and enter the dates that you intend on being absent from the school.

A 'Leave Application' (once approved) will integrate to the Payroll for inclusion in the school's next pay run, whereas an '[OTHER] Application' does not and should be used for internal absences such as professional development or in-service.

Leave Application — Step 1

Fields that require further explanation

Week of First Day

If you have multiple weekly work schedules (that define the days and hours that you work), select the one that corresponds with the week that the leave commences.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Employee 'Work Schedules' are defined in TASS.web program Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the 'Payroll Details' tab.

Click 'Next'.

Leave Application — Step 2

Fields that require further explanation

Leave Type

For each day that you will be absent, select the type of leave from the picklist displayed.

For example, Long Service Leave or Sick Leave.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Leave Types are maintained in TASS.web program Payroll/HRM > Payroll/HR > Leave Types (Setup) and Payroll/HR > Other Types (Setup).

If the 'Leave Type' is the same for each day you will be absent, select the 'Leave Type' for the first day you are absent and use the 'down arrow' button to populate the remaining days displayed.

If you have selected a 'Leave Type' for which you have an accrued entitlement, the following information may be displayed:

  • Total accrued hours 'as at' last pay run.
  • Total projected hours 'as at' the last day of leave.

The entitlement will already be adjusted to reflect any unprocessed and draft leave applications.

Hover over the 'info' icon to see a list of all 'Unprocessed Leave Applications'.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Only Leave Entitlements that are visible on an employee's Pay Envelope will be displayed. Refer to the 'Print on Pay Envelope' field in TASS.web program Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on the 'Accrual Codes' tab.

Part Day Absences

By default, all days of absence will be set to 'Full Day'. This can be updated by editing the hours, and entering the number of hours that you will be absent. 

An example of this might be if you are going on Long Service Leave and will be leaving at lunch time.

Enter your leave start time and finish time details in the 'Details of Leave' field.

If you will be returning to school for a period of time between the first and last days of leave defined, you will need to submit a second application.

Splitting 'Leave Types' 

Absences can be split over multiple 'Leave Types'.

An example of this might be where you have accrued some 'Time in Lieu' and you want to use this first before using your 'Annual Leave'. You can allocate 2 hours for ‘Time in Lieu’ and 2 hours for ‘Annual Leave’ and submit your leave with total of 4 hours.  

To split your leave type, click the 'plus symbol' icon, select the additional 'Leave Type' and enter the total hours you wish to take for that type of leave. 

Add the start/finish time of leave and any other details into the 'Details of Leave' field. 

Insufficient Leave Action

If you do not have a sufficient leave balance available to take leave, you may be warned or prevented from submitting leave.

Click here for an administrator note

Refer to Staff Kiosk program Payroll/HR > Leave Types (Setup) on Knowledge Base for more information. 


This field will only be displayed if:

  • Integration to Teacher Substitutions has been enabled in Staff Kiosk program Payroll/HR > Application Parameters (Setup).
  • The employee that this application is for is a teacher.

If this application includes a part day, click the 'Select Lessons' link and nominate the timetable periods that you will be absent for.

Lessons (where you don't have a class timetabled) will display 'Available for Substitution'. Including these lessons will ensure the Teacher Substitutions module does not show you as being available for a substitution during this period.

Once the application has been submitted, a record for each day you will be absent will be available in TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Leave & Substitutions > Daily Substitutions for substitute teachers to be allocated.

Total [Leave Type]

This is a display-only field that will show the total the number of hours absent for each leave type in this leave application.

Details of Leave

Record up a comment of up to 1000 characters.

This is visible to approvers when reviewing your application.

If you are entering a 'Draft Application' on behalf of another employee and your school has set up a 'Default New Draft Comment', this field will automatically be populated with text.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

A 'Default New Draft Comment' can be set up using Teacher Kiosk program Payroll/HR > Application Parameters (Setup).

+Add Confidential Details

Record up a comment of up to 1000 characters.

The comment entered here is only visible to approvers with 'View Confidential Comments' permission.

Hover over the 'question mark' icon and click the 'Click here for details' option to see a list of approvers that can see this comment.


Two options are available to attach a file to this Leave/Other Application:

  1. Drag and drop a file from your computer.
  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

An example of this could be a completed form for a conference that you will be attending, or a medical certificate.

Click '+Submit Application' to save this application or 'Cancel' to return to the 'Leave / Other Applications' screen.


When an application is submitted, an email will be sent to the first approver to review and approve your application. If your school has configured multiple approval levels, all levels of approval must be achieved before the application is successfully 'Approved'.

You can track the status of your leave application via the 'magnifying glass' icon > Leave Log.

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