Census (Aus) Checklist
The Non-Government Schools Census provides information about schools and students in Australia to the Australian government, parents, and the community.
Minimum TASS Version: v59.07.200.
Step | Task | Details | ✅ | ||||||
1 | Check User Permissions | Ensure the relevant staff have access to the Census (Aus) program. Access to the Census (Aus) program requires ‘View' permissions on the Census (Aus) security point. When this permission is applied, users can generate the ‘Student Census Data Extract’ and 'Census Reports'. Access to the ‘Employee Census Data Extract’ requires additional permission to ‘View’ via the 'Employee Census Data Extract' security point. To grant user permissions, use the TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions (to maintain permissions granted to roles), or TASS.web System Admin > Users > User Maintenance (to maintain permissions granted to individuals). | 🔲 | ||||||
2 | Check Your Residency Status Setup | Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Countries/Languages/ResStatus on the ‘Residency Status’ tab. The ‘Australian Citizen’ field is mandatory. Ensure that the appropriate Student Residency Status has been marked as Yes.
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3 | Ensure Student Census Data is Populated | Two fields exist in the Student Record: ‘FFPOS’ and ‘Distance Ed’. By default, these fields are set to No. Update any Students individually OR edit Students in bulk by navigating to TASS.web Student Records > Student Information > Students Grid Entry.
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4 | Ensure Student Learning Support Information is Populated | The ‘NCCD Category’ and ‘NCCD Adjustment Level’ within the Staff Kiosk ‘Learning Support’ program will be used to populate two fields in the Census extract. To add NCCD data, navigate to: Staff Kiosk Staff > Learning Support, and add a ‘New Support Plan’ for the relevant Students. Data Migration Once the Disability Processing (Aus) Grid has been loaded, your school can choose whether this data is transferred/migrated to the ‘Learning Support’ program in Staff Kiosk. Important! Records will not be migrated for Students who already have a Learning Support plan defined in Staff Kiosk. | 🔲 | ||||||
5 | Ensure Employee Census Data is Populated | Two fields relevant to the Census exist in the Employee Record: ‘Indigenous Status’ and ‘Main Activity’. Review the SchoolsHub Non-Government Schools Census documentation and ensure staff are allocated to the acceptable values for the ‘Indigenous Status’ and ‘Main Activity’. You can generate a report for staff Gender, Indigenous Status, Main Activity, Pay Point and FTE details in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees, by clicking ‘Print’ and selecting these areas as Additional Fields. For more information about these fields, refer to the Knowledge Base article for TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the 'General' tab. To make bulk changes to this Employee Census Data, navigate to TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employee Grid Entry:
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6 | Prepare Employee FTE data for Primary and Secondary School areas. | For Payroll Schools: The ‘Employee Census Data Extract’ will display the ‘Total FTE’ number from the ‘Payroll Details’ tab of the Employee Record. In the Census Upload Tool, the ‘Total FTE’ column is specifically for special school locations and system/office DCRs. If your school does not fit into these categories, you must redistribute the ‘Total FTEs’ (generated from TASS) between the Primary FTE and Secondary FTE columns in Step 8. Determine which employees work in primary education, secondary education, or both, and their respective full-time equivalent (FTE) for each area. Multiple methods exist to complete this task; your approach depends on your school's database configurations. For example:
The F.T.E. on the ‘Payroll Details’ tab of the Employee Record is calculated based on:
F.T.E. = Base Hours ÷ Full Time Hours / Days The ‘Award’ that an Employee is on, can be checked in the Award field on the ‘Payroll Details’ tab of TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees. The ‘Full Time Hours / Days’ defined in the Award can be checked in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Setup Information > Payroll Setup on ‘Awards’ tab. For Non-Payroll Schools: Calculate FTEs for each Staff Member that will be included in your submission. | 🔲 | ||||||
7 | Extract Census Data for Students | Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Census (Aus):
Refer to the ‘Student Census Data Extract’ section of the Census (Aus) Knowledge Base article for more information. If you receive a ‘WARNING’ in Excel about Students with no Residency Status. Use the Students Grid Entry program to update Students without a Status. The ‘Overseas Student’ field will use the ‘FFPOS’ field from the Student Record. Review the SchoolsHub Non-Government Schools Census Student eligibility requirements. In the Excel spreadsheet (exported from TASS.web), delete the rows of any ineligible students before completing Step 9. | 🔲 | ||||||
8 | Extract Census Data for Employees | Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > Census (Aus):
Refer to the ‘Employee Census Data Extract’ section of the Census (Aus) Knowledge Base article for more information. If TASS Payroll is not enabled, ‘Total F.T.E’ will display as 0. In the Census Upload Tool, the Total FTE column is only used for special school locations and system/office DCRs. If your school does not fall into these categories, use the data generated in Step 6 to reallocate FTEs into the Primary FTE and Secondary FTE columns.
Review the SchoolsHub Non-Government Schools Census Staff eligibility requirements. In the Excel spreadsheet (exported from TASS.web), delete the rows of any ineligible staff before completing Step 9. If necessary, adjust the ‘Gender’ and ‘Indigenous Status’ columns to match the acceptable values. | 🔲 | ||||||
9 | Transfer Census Data into the SchoolsHub Upload Tool | On the SchoolsHub website, locate the most recent Census Upload Tool. Follow the steps outlined on the 'Instructions' tab of the Census Upload Tool to:
Check your Excel spreadsheet data against the Census Eligibility Requirements before transferring it into the Census Upload Tool.
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