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Learning Support


This is a multi-purpose program used to convey special learning needs and requirements for students.

Using this program you can:

  • Create and maintain Support Plans and profiles.

  • Record NCCD metadata.

  • Create custom fields to record additional learning support information

  • Create Class Plans for individual students.

  • Assign Adjustments that can be reviewed and implemented in the classroom.

  • Capture evidence of any Adjustments made.

  • Make notes to record general observations and conversations.

  • Access email communication for specific communication log categories.

  • Search for existing Class Plans/Support Plans using multiple filters.

  • Print or export Class Plan/Support Plan reports for auditing purposes.

The 'Support Plan Grid' Screen

When you access the program, the screen will display a list of the active Class Plans for students in your current subject classes.

There are two views available: 

  1. *Consolidate (filter) is ticked: For Learning Support staff who have access to all Learning Support students, their plans, profiles and metadata.

  2. *Consolidate is not ticked: For teachers, who have a Learning Support student in their class and have a need to access Class Plans, review Adjustments, and record Evidence of any Adjustments made.

You can use the other filters at the top of the screen to return a different list of student Class Plans.

  • NCCD Only.

  • *Consolidate.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Users with the permission of 'All Support Plans' will see a consolidated view for all students with Support Plans. Use TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to give users access to this permission.

  • Include Inactive.

  • Campus.

  • Year Group.

  • Category.

  • Level of Adjustment.

  • Student Search.

Type three or more characters of the student's code, surname, given name or preferred name into the 'Student Search' Box.

Each record will display a summary of:

  • Student Details (Code, Name, Year Group, Campus).

  • NCCD Category.

  • NCCD Level of Adjustment.

  • Exclude from NCCD (Y/N).

  • Active (Y/N).

  • Teacher (available when 'Consolidate' is not ticked).

  • Subject Class (available when 'Consolidate' is not ticked).

  • Year and Semester (available when 'Consolidate' is not ticked.

  • The Number of the Class Plan Reviewed.

  • The Number of Evidence records entered.

A warning icon will be displayed next to a student's name when they have a leaving date.

To sort by a column click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.

Use the 'Print' button at the top to generate a listing of the records displayed.

Use the 'Hamburger' button to quickly navigate to the following screens:

View a Support Plans Details

From the 'Action' column, select the 'magnifying glass' icon on a record to display a student's Support Plan.

Adding a New Support Plan

Support Plans will only be available to users with the Support Plan permissions.

Click the 'New' button to display the 'Add Student Details' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


Click here for more information on the Quick Student Search Tool.

Type three or more characters of the student's code, surname, preferred surname or given name into the 'Student Search' Box:

As soon as the third character is entered, matching students are displayed. You can keep typing to further refine your search or click on the blue section to select the student.

Only current students will be displayed.

If the field name is plural (Student(s)) you can add multiple.

NCCD Category

Choose the applicable NCCD Category for this student from the picklist.

NCCD Adjustment Level

Choose the applicable NCCD Adjustment for this student from the picklist. 


Untick this box if the Support Plan for the student is redundant and not to be used anymore.

Exclude NCCD

Tick this box if the student is to be excluded for NCCD.

UD Fields

Enter details for all relevant fields for this student.

Fields entered into program Staff Kiosk program Staff > Learning Support (Setup) under the UD Fields section will be displayed.

Created By/On

The user who created the student Support Plan will be displayed along with the date the record was created.

Updated By/On

The user to last edit the student Support Plan will be displayed along with the date the record was edited.

Select the '+Submit Change' button to record your entry to the database.

Bulk Actions

This button allows bulk processing of support plans.

  1. Select the Support Plans that need to be processed in bulk.

  2. Click Bulk Actions.

  3. Select 'Set to Inactive' from the dropdown list.

  4. Click Yes.

The Bulk Actions button will only be active when:

  • The Grid is loaded in Consolidated Mode.

  • The User has permission to use the options in the dropdown list.

  • One or more of the checkboxes are ticked. 

Related Resources

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