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Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal Checklist

Important! This checklist is to be used as a guide during the implementation of the school's Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal to ensure all setups and procedures are completed correctly.


Menu Option


  • Task


How To / Checklists > Parent Lounge:

Using the 'How To' guide for your chosen payment gateway, complete 'Step 1 – Getting Started'.

Fill out the form in Step 1 and submit to the bank.

  • Complete


How To / Checklists > Parent Lounge:

Using the 'How To' guide for your chosen payment gateway, complete the network requirements in 'Step 2 – Information for Network Administrators'.

  • Complete


How To / Checklists > Parent Lounge:

Once you have received your establishment details including your 'Login Name' and 'Password' for your payment gateway (as a result of completing Step 1), complete the remaining steps in the 'How To' guide for your chosen payment gateway.

  • Complete


System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance.

Set up the parameter for the 'CD Online Payments Portal' payment facility.

  • Complete


System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance.

Click the 'Test' action link to test the connection.

If the test screen does not return 'Passed' for both tests performed, redo from Step 2 above.

  • Complete


System Admin > Utilities > Product Activation Maintenance.

Click 'New Product Activation' button and add a record for 'CD Online Payments Portal'.

  • Complete


System Admin > Utilities > Product UI Maintenance.

Add a 'Style', 'Image' and 'Banner' record for 'CD Online Payments Portal'.

  • Complete


Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup.

On the 'Parameters' tab, set up the 'Online Payments Portal Parameters' fields.

  • Complete


Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers.

For customers who are parents at the school, edit their Customer record and link it to their Parent record by entering their 'Parent Code' on the 'General' tab.

  • Complete


Run test transactions using the test merchant.

  • Complete

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