CD - Electronic Receipts Processing
The Commercial Debtors ‘Electronic Receipts Processing’ program is used to generate Receipts for online payments made using the Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal. These online payments are processed by the PayWay payments gateway.
The Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal can operate in one of two modes – 'Open Item' mode or 'Balance' mode. This mode will have some influence on the operation of this program and this is noted below.
Upon load of the 'Electronic Receipt Processing' screen, payment batches for which receipts have not been generated will be displayed including details of 'Web Batch #' and 'Batch Total'.
Before generating receipts for a Web Batch, you should verify that the batch total displayed on this screen matches the total on the Daily Settlement Report (excluding surcharges) from your PayWay portal. If it does not match, it will be where one or more payments on the Daily Settlement Report have not been updated in TASS from Pending to Approved status (this can occur if there was a server communication failure between PayWay and your school's server). In this scenario, a special Notification email is sent by PayWay (to the email address set up in your PayWay portal). You must access this email(s), and follow the 'Edit Pending Payment' procedure outlined below.
Update Pending Payments
To update a Pending Payment to Approved, click the 'Edit Pending Payment' icon in the toolbar.
The first step is to search for the pending payment by entering the Customer Code and Date from the PayWay Notification email. Click 'GO' to display the pending payment(s) found.
Click the 'Edit' action link for the payment to be updated to 'Approved'.
Fields require further explanation | |
Settlement Date | Select the 'Settlement Date' from the picklist that matches the 'Settlement Date' in the PayWay Notification email. |
Gateway Receipt Number | Enter the 'Receipt Reference Number' shown in the PayWay Notification email. |
Audit Trail Attachment | You may wish to scan and attach the PayWay Notification email as an audit trail. |
Click 'Save' to update the payment to 'Approved' status. It will now be added to the Web Batch total displayed when you re-load the 'Electronic Receipts Processing' menu option.
Generate Receipts
In the 'Action' column click on the 'Generate Receipts' link next to the appropriate 'Web Batch #' displayed and click 'Yes' to proceed.
The program will then create a receipt for each payment in the batch. All receipt transactions generated are flagged as a type 'W' (web) receipt. Upon completion, a dialog message will be displayed showing the range of receipt numbers generated.
Where the mode is 'Open Item', the receipts will also be applied against the selected invoices in the customer's ledger. Where the mode is 'Balance', the receipts will not be applied.
The trigger to post these receipt transactions to the Cashbook is the next running of the 'Bank Deposit Report' in 'Final' mode.
The system will create one Cashbook transaction per 'Web Batch #' (to match up with the financial institution's settlement). These receipts will not print on the Bank Deposit Report.