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How to set up the OZOW Payment Gateway




  • Task 


Getting Started

To use the OZOW gateway, you must have a merchant account with OZOW. You can find out more information on the OZOW website.



Account Settings

Refer to OZOW for the necessary credentials.

You can note these down below:

Site Code: ____________________________________

API Key: ______________________________________

Private Key: __________________________________



Set Up TASS.web.

Enter the Payment Gateway details in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > API Maintenance. Click the 'View' Action link beside Payment Gateways to access the API setup.

To add a new payment gateway, click the 'New Payment Gateway' button to display a blank 'Payment Gateway Parameters' screen.

Viewing and Editing a Payment Gateway

To 'View' or 'Edit' a payment gateway, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'.

Fields that require further explanation

TASS Product: 

Select the 'TASS Product' for which you would like to set up a payment option.

A payment option can be set up for:

  • Parent Lounge Account Payments.

  • Parent Lounge Events & Payment.

  • Parent Lounge Extra Curricular Pay at Sign-up.

  • CD (Commercial Debtors) Online Payment Portal.

Payment Gateway Provider: This will be 'OZOW'.

Site Code: 

Enter the 'Site Code' from Step 2.

Take care to enter the correct 'Site Code' as this will prevent you from transacting if entered incorrectly.

API Key: Enter the 'API Key' from Step 2.

Private Key: Enter the 'Private Key' from Step 2.

If you are adding a New Payment Gateway, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

If you are editing an existing Payment Gateway, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Testing a Payment Gateway

To 'Test' a payment gateway connection, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'.

Fields that require further explanation

Connect To Gateway: This verifies that the communication to the OZOW server is working.

If either test fails, repeat the steps in this 'How To Guide'.


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