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How to Set Up the BPoint Payment Gateway

To configure the BPoint Payment Gateway, use this checklist alongside the Online Payments in Parent Lounge Checklist and/or Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal Checklist.





Getting Started.

To apply for BPoint contact your CBA Relationship Manager or if you do not have a CBA Relationship Manager, apply by calling 1800 230 177.

When speaking with CBA, advise that you want to open a BPOINT facility and integrate with TASS.

If approved, CBA will send you a confirmation letter with your merchant facility ID. You'll also receive a welcome email with a temporary password to log into your account.



Information for Network Administrators.

The following configurations represent mandatory requirements for integration to the CBA BPoint payment gateway:

  • Proxy and Firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections via port 443 to BPoint's server ( and

  • Proxy and Firewall must allow inbound HTTPS connections via port 443 from BPoint's server ( and

  • Ensure that the 'Payment Notification' page is not cached by the proxy.

  • The TASS.web web server must have installed a valid SSL certificate chain issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This includes Web Server and Intermediate CA certificates correctly installed and tested via an SSL provider online application.

Contact BPoint at or 1300 766 031 if you require clarification or further information on these requirements.



Configure Biller Codes.

When using the BPoint Payment Gateway, only one Merchant ID is required however you will need a separate Biller Code for each payment option you are implementing:

  • Parent Lounge Account Payment.

  • Parent Lounge Events and Payments.

  • Parent Lounge Extra Curricular.

  • Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal.

  1. Log into BPoint using the credentials supplied by BPoint.

  2. Navigate to Config > Biller Configuration  tab and enable a biller code for each payment option you are implementing (e.g. Account Payment, Events and Payments, Extra Curricular and Commercial Debtors Online Payment Portal).

  3. Edit each biller code by clicking the 'edit' icon on the right-hand side and ensure that there is a 'Customer Reference 1' record and the 'Maximum Length' field is set to '50'.

  4. Click the '+Add Customer Reference' button to add Customer Reference 2 with a 'Maximum Length' field of '50'.

  5. Click the '+Add Customer Reference' button to add Customer Reference 3 with a 'Maximum Length' field of '50'.

  6. Click 'Save'.

The 'Name' chosen for each of the Customer Reference fields will be displayed on the BPoint payment receipt.

The Biller Codes are required for TASS.web setups, so take note of each number. You will also need to match each to a payment option (do not use the same Biller Code for both).

Account Payment Biller Code: ___________________

Events and Payments Biller Code: _______________

Extra Curricular Biller Code: _____________________

CD Online Payments Portal Biller Code: ________



Create an API User.

In the BPoint portal, navigate to Admin > User Management .

Click on 'Add New User' to create an API User.

Enter the required fields and note down the username and password below.

In the field 'User Permissions', choose 'API'.

Username: ________________________________________

Password: _________________________________________



Locate the Merchant Short Name.

In the BPoint portal, navigate to Internet > Themes tab.

The 'Merchant Short Name' is found at the end of the URL shown. Note down this code below, e.g.  where 'TASSTEST' is the 'Merchant Short Name'.

Merchant Short Name: __________________________



Configure items for the Hosted solution.

If you intend on using the CBA Hosted solution, the following can be configured in the BPoint Portal:

  • Banner.

  • Terms and Conditions page.

  • Privacy Policy page.

  • Information page.

The banner can be configured on the Internet > Designer tab. It is recommended that the banner is similar to the Parent Lounge banner for consistency.

The 'Terms and Conditions', 'Privacy Policy' and 'Information' pages can be configured on the Internet > Pages tab.



Configure BPoint Receipt.

Enter the school information to be displayed on the BPoint Receipt. This is configured by navigating to Admin > Settings in the BPoint portal.



Set up TASS.web.

Enter the Payment Gateway details in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Maintenance.

Click the 'View' Action link beside Payment Gateways to see the Payment Gateways already configured.

To add a new payment gateway, click the 'New Payment Gateway' button to display a blank 'Payment Gateway Parameters' screen.

Viewing and Editing a Payment Gateway

To 'View' or 'Edit' a payment gateway, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'.

Fields that require further explanation

TASS Product

Select the 'TASS Product' for which you would like to set up a payment option.

A payment option can be set up for:

  • Parent Lounge Account Payments.

  • Parent Lounge Events and Payments.

  • Parent Lounge Extra Curricular Pay at Sign-up.

  • CD (Commercial Debtors) Online Payment Portal.

Payment Gateway Provider

This will be 'CBA BPoint'.

Solution Type

There are two solutions available:

  1. iFrame/Lightbox: This solution enables the payment to be made without the user leaving the portal.

  2. Hosted: This solution enables integrated surcharging and will redirect the user to the payment page.

Merchant ID

Enter the 'Merchant ID' provided by BPoint.


Enter the 'Username' from Step 4 above.


Enter the 'Password' from Step 4 above.

Biller Code

Enter the 'Biller Code' from Step 3 above.

Each TASS Product will require a separate Biller Code.

Merchant Short Name

Enter the 'Merchant Short Name' from Step 5 above.

If you are adding a New Payment Gateway, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

If you are editing an existing Payment Gateway, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Testing a Payment Gateway

To 'Test' a payment gateway connection, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'.

Fields that require further explanation

Connect To Gateway

This verifies that the communication to the BPoint server is working.

Request Token

This verifies that the communication back from the BPoint server is working.

If either test fails, repeat the steps above.

The most likely cause of failure is:

  • School firewall is blocking communication.


Related Resources

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