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How to Set Up the PayWay Net Payment Gateway




  • Task


Getting Started.

To sign up to PayWay, you must initially complete the

' TASS.web Payway Load Form.docx'

and submit it to PayWay (full instructions are on this form).

You will need a separate Merchant Number for each payment option you are implementing (see Step 10):

  • Parent Lounge Account Payment.

  • Parent Lounge Events & Payments.

  • Parent Lounge Extra Curricular.

  • Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal.

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Information for Network Administrators.

The following configurations represent mandatory requirements for integration to the PayWay payment gateway:

  • Proxy and Firewall must allow outbound HTTPS connections via port 443 to PayWay's server at (

  • Proxy and Firewall must allow inbound HTTPS connections via port 443 from PayWay's proxy server (

  • Ensure that the 'Payment Notification' page is not cached by the proxy.

  • The TASS.web web server must have installed a valid SSL certificate chain issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This includes Web Server and Intermediate CA certificates correctly installed and tested via an SSL provider online application

Westpac does not accept Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificates, such as LetsEncrypt.
You will need to procure an Organisation Validated (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate, or TASS can procure and manage a certificate for you.

Contact the PayWay Helpdesk on 1300 727 111 if you require clarification or further information on these requirements.

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Logon to PayWay.

Go to

Login using your 'Login Name' and 'Password' provided by PayWay.

At top right, click on User Name then click 'PayWay Net', then click 'Hosted Payment Page'.

  • Complete


Introduction Screen

You must select the option:

'Bill Payments/Shopping Cart - secure shopping cart handoff'.

Click 'Next'.

  • Complete


Biller Code Screen.

Note down the 'PayWay Biller Code' near the top of this screen.

PayWay Biller Code: _____________________

The 'PayWay Biller Code' is required for TASS.web setup.

On this screen, you may upload a custom Stylesheet, Logo and Background to use with PayWay Net.

Click 'Next'.

  • Complete


Notifications Screen.

Merchant Notification Email:

  • Email Address:  The address entered here will receive an email for each transaction request processed.  If used, enter the 'Email Address' of the relevant person in the Finance Office.  It is optional but recommended. If you receive a payment alert email that does not have this text, then the email should be treated as fraudulent.

Customer Receipt Email:

  • Allow Customer Receipt Email: It is optional but recommended. If ticked, it will allow parents to enter their email address to receive a payment receipt from PayWay at the completion of their transaction.

  • Tax Invoice: Leave unchecked.

Browser Return:

  • Browser Return URL Pre Payment: Leave blank.

  • Browser Return Text Pre Payment: Leave blank.

  • Browser Return Type: Select 'Redirect'.

  • Browser Return URL:  Leave blank.

  • Browser Return Text: Leave blank.

  • Browser Return Payment Status:  Leave blank.

Server-To-Server Payment Notification:

The PayWay server will attempt to communicate with this page three times before emailing a failure notification.

If an error has been logged on the TASS.web server, then there will be 3 entries for each transaction attempt.

  • Notification Email:   An email address must be entered.  The address entered here will receive a failure notification if the above notification fails three times. It is important that this is the email address of the relevant person in the Finance Office.

  • Notification Payment Status: Leave blank.

  • Notification Post Type: Leave blank.

Click 'Next'.

Secret Text

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Security Information.

HTTP Parameter Encryption:

Note down the 'Encryption Key' string displayed as it is required for TASS.web setup.

Encryption Key: __________________________

Security Tokens:

Note down the 'Username' and 'Password' displayed as they are both required for TASS.web setup.

Username: _______________________________

Password: ________________________________

IP Address:

You need to enter all external-facing IP Addresses for your TASS web server.

Each IP Address that will be requesting a 'Token' from PayWay will need to be listed here.

If your external IP address changes at any time in the future, this setup page must be updated with the new details.

Click 'Next'.

  • Complete


Customer Reference Number.

  • Reference Number Label:  Default is 'Payment Reference'. Do not change.

  • Reference Number Help Text: Leave blank.

Check Digit Algorithm:

  • Minimum Digits: The default and recommended value for this field is 1.

  • Maximum Digits: The default and recommended value for this field is 10.

  • Check Digit: This field must be set to 'No Check Digit'.

Click 'Next '.

  • Complete


Payment Amounts Limits and Payment Methods.

Payment Amount Limits:

  • Minimum Amount: The default value for this field is 0.01 – adjust as required.

  • Maximum Amount: The default value for this field is 10000.00 – adjust as required.

Payment Methods:

Click ' Next '.

  • Complete


Account Settings.

Merchant Account:

Merchant ID: The Merchant ID's that the school has applied for should be displayed here.

You will need a separate Merchant ID for each Parent Lounge payment option:

  • Parent Lounge Account Payment.

  • Parent Lounge Events and Payments.

  • Parent Lounge Extra Curricular.

  • Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal.

The Merchant ID's are required for TASS.web setups, so take note of each number.

You will also need to match each to a payment option (do not use the same Merchant ID for both).

Account Payment Merchant ID: ______________________

Events and Payments Merchant ID: __________________

Extra Curricular Merchant ID: _________________________

CD Online Payments Portal Merchant ID: ____________

Testing Tip!

This field will display 'No Merchant Available' when using a test account.

The test Merchant ID will be 'TEST'.

Card Scheme Surcharges:

The default value for this field is 0.00.

Enter a percentage value if you want PayWay to add a surcharge to each payment.

Very Important!

If a Surcharge is applied and you are settling to a Westpac bank account, you must ensure that it is settled separately by PayWay to the school bank account that you nominate.

Refer to the 'TASS.web PayWay Load Form'. If you are settling to a non-Westpac bank account, the surcharge will not be settled separately.

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Set Up TASS.web.

Enter the Payment Gateway details in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > API Maintenance. Click the 'View' Action link beside Payment Gateways to access the API setup.

To add a new payment gateway, click the 'New Payment Gateway' button to display a blank 'Payment Gateway Parameters' screen.

Viewing and Editing a Payment Gateway

To 'View' or 'Edit' a payment gateway, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'.

Fields that require further explanation:

  • TASS Product:  Select the 'TASS Product' for which you would like to set up a payment option. A payment option can be set up for:

    • Parent Lounge Account Payments.

    • Parent Lounge Events and Payments.

    • Parent Lounge Extra Curricular Pay at Sign-up.

    • CD (Commercial Debtors) Online Payment Portal.

  • Payment Gateway Provider: This will be 'Westpac Payway'.

  • Merchant ID: Enter the 'Merchant ID' from Step 10.

Take care to enter the correct 'Merchant ID' for the 'TASS Product' you have chosen above.

When first setting up the Payment Gateway, you will need to run test transactions through Parent Lounge to ensure that your setups are correct. Whilst in 'Test' mode, enter 'TEST' into this field

  • Username: Enter the 'Username' from Step 7.

  • Password: Enter the 'Password' from Step 7.

  • Biller Code: Enter the 'Biller Code' from Step 5.

  • Encryption Key: Enter the 'Encryption Key' from Step 7.

If you are adding a New Payment Gateway, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

If you are editing an existing Payment Gateway, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Testing a Payment Gateway

To 'Test' a payment gateway connection, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'.

Fields that require further explanation:

  • Connect To Gateway: This verifies that the communication to the PayWay server is working.

  • Request Token: This verifies that the communication back from the PayWay server is working.

If either test fails, repeat the steps in this 'How To Guide'.

The most likely causes of failure are:

  • School firewall is blocking communication.

  • The IP address is not set up in Payway.

  • Complete

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.