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How to Set Up the NAB Payment Gateway

To configure the NAB Payment Gateway, use this checklist alongside the Online Payments in Parent Lounge Checklist and/or Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal Checklist.






Getting Started.

To sign up to the NAB Payment Gateway, you must initially complete the 'NAB Merchant Establishment Form' and submit it to the National Australia Bank (NAB) (full instructions are on this form).

Click on the following link to access the NAB Gateway Merchant Establishment Form.pdf

You will need a separate Merchant ID for each payment option that you are implementing:

  • Parent Lounge Account Payment

  • Parent Lounge Events and Payments

  • Parent Lounge Extra Curricular

  • Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal

The Merchant ID's are required for TASS.web Setups, so take note of each number. You will also need to match each to a payment option (do not use the same Merchant ID for both).

Account Payment Merchant ID: _________________

Events and Payments Merchant ID: ___________________

Extra Curricular Merchant ID: _______________________

Commercial Debtors Merchant ID: _________________



Information for Network Administrators.

The following configurations represent mandatory requirements for integration to the NAB Payment Gateway:

  • Proxy and Firewall must allow outbound and inbound HTTPS connections as required by your banking provider.

  • Ensure that the proxy does not cache the 'Payment Notification' page.

  • The TASS.web webserver must have installed a valid SSL certificate chain issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This includes correctly installed Web Server and Intermediate CA certificates tested via an SSL provider online application.

Contact the NAB Gateway Support Centre on 1300 369 852 (Option 4) if you require clarification or further information on these requirements.



Logon to NAB Payment Gateway (as an Administrator).

Go to:

Login using your 'Merchant ID', 'Operator ID' and 'Password' provided by NAB.



Create a new Operator account.

In the NAB Payment Gateway, navigate to Admin > Operators.

Click 'Create a New Merchant Administration Operator' and enter the details for the new operator under the 'Operator Details' heading and tick the appropriate permissions for the new operator.

Click 'Submit'.

Once the new operator has been created, log out of the NAB Payment Gateway.

Administrators are unable to perform transactions in NAB Gateway. The primary purpose of this role is to create and manage Operator accounts. By contrast, Operators are able to perform transactions in NAB Gateway, e.g. Log in as an Operator to perform a refund or obtain a transaction listing.



Logon to NAB Payment Gateway (as an Operator).

Using the new credentials created in Step 4, log into the NAB Payment Gateway.



Set Up the Integration Password.

In the NAB Payment Gateway, navigate to Admin > Integration Settings.

Click 'Edit' on the 'Integration Authentication' banner.

In Password 1, tick the checkbox then click the 'Generate New' button. This will generate a password in the field beside the checkbox. Note down this password below.

Password: __________________________________



Set up the Webhook Notifications.

In the NAB Payment Gateway, go to Admin > Webhook Notifications.

Click on the drop-down arrow on the 'Webhook Notifications' banner.

Fields that require further explanation


This must be ticked

Notification URL

Enter the below URL where [domain] is your school's domain name.


Web Services API Format

Must be 'JSON/REST'.

Notification Secret

Click the 'Generate New Secret' button to create the Notification Secret code. Note down the code below.

Notification Secret: _________________________________



Set Up TASS.web.

Enter the Payment Gateway details in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Maintenance.

Click the 'View' Action link beside Payment Gateways to see the Payment Gateways already configured.

To add a new payment gateway, click the 'New Payment Gateway' button to display a blank 'Payment Gateway Parameters' screen.

Viewing and Editing a Payment Gateway

To 'View' or 'Edit' a payment gateway, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'.

Fields that require further explanation

TASS Product

Select the 'TASS Product' for which you would like to set up a payment option.

A payment option can be set up for:

  • Parent Lounge Account Payments.

  • Parent Lounge Events and Payments.

  • Parent Lounge Extra Curricular Pay at Sign-up.

  • CD (Commercial Debtors) Online Payment Portal.

Payment Gateway Provider

This will be 'NAB Gateway'.

Merchant ID

Enter the 'Merchant ID' provided by NAB.

Each 'TASS Product' requires a unique 'Merchant ID'. Take care to enter the correct 'Merchant ID' for the 'TASS Product' you have chosen above.


Leave blank.


Enter the 'Password' from Step 6 above.

Biller Code

Leave blank.

Notification Secret

Enter the 'Notification Secret' from Step 7 above.

If you are adding a New Payment Gateway, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

If you are editing an existing Payment Gateway, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Testing a Payment Gateway

To 'Test' a payment gateway connection, click on the associated link next to the relevant 'TASS Product'.

Fields that require further explanation

Connect To Gateway

This verifies that the communication to the NAB server is working.

When the β€˜Connect to Gateway’ field displays β€œFailed: 201,” the gateway is operating as expected.

Request Token

This verifies that the communication back from the NAB server is working.

If either test fails, repeat the steps above.

The most likely cause of failure is:

  • School firewall is blocking communication.


Related Resources

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