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Online Payments in Parent Lounge Checklist

This checklist is to be used as a guide during the implementation of the school's online payment facility in Parent Lounge to ensure all setups and procedures are completed correctly.

It covers the Parent Lounge:

  • Accounts & Payments > School Fees Account.

  • Accounts & Payments > Events and Payments options.

  • Student Details > Extra Curricular Activities with 'Pay at Sign-up'.

Refer to the 'Commercial Debtors Online Payments Portal Checklist' for details on setting up the Parent Lounge Accounts & Payments > Online Payments Portal option.


Menu Path

Task / Details



How To / Checklists > Parent Lounge:

Using the 'How To' guide for your chosen payment gateway, complete 'Step 1 – Getting Started'.

Fill out the form in Step 1 and submit it to the bank.



How To / Checklists > Parent Lounge:

Using the 'How To' guide for your chosen payment gateway, complete the network requirements in 'Step 2 – Information for Network Administrators'.



How To / Checklists > Parent Lounge:

Once you have received your establishment details including your 'Login Name' and 'Password' for your payment gateway (as a result of completing Step 1), complete the remaining steps in the 'How To' guide for your chosen payment gateway.



TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance.

Set up the parameters for each payment option you want to make available to parents in Parent Lounge.


  • Parent Account Payment (available in the Parent Lounge top menu Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account).

  • Events and Payments (available in the Parent Lounge top menu Accounts & Payments > Events and Payments and though Homepage menu Events and Payments).

  • Extra Curricular Activities with 'Pay at Sign-up' (available in the Parent Lounge top menu Students > Extra Curricular).



TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > API Gateway Maintenance.

Click the 'Test' action link to test the connection. If the test screen does not return 'Passed' for both tests performed, redo from Step 2 above.



Run test transactions using the test merchant.



TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Parameters' tab.

On the 'Parameters' tab check:

  • The 'Statement Settings' are set up. In particular, the 'Sender Email' field is required by the web receipt email function.

  • That building fund details are correctly set up.



TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on the ‘General’ tab.

On the ‘General’ tab, decide if you would like to show or hide Split Family Access Payment Methods from being visible in Parent Lounge Accounts & Payments > School Fees Account. 

A parent with ‘Split Family Access’ enabled can have Payment Methods assigned or unassigned to their SFA Number in TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on the ‘Split Family Access’ tab.   


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