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Groups Overview

This program allows you to:

  • Create customised groups containing staff and/or students.
  • Maintain the members of a group.
  • Correspond with members of a group via email.
  • Correspond with the parents of members of a group via email.
  • Print a listing detailing members of a group.

Typically, you would not create a group here that replicates one that already exists within the database, such as a subject class.

An example of a group follows that you could create using this program:

Your school is currently preparing for the Musical. Three groups are created:

    • The musician's group.

    • The acting group.

    • The stage design and assembly group.

Once a group has been created it can then be used for:

  • Email correspondence.
  • Resources and Activities.
  • Creating Notifications.

The following Staff Kiosk programs use Groups:

The following TASS.web programs use Groups:

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