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Maintain Schedules


This is accessed from the hamburger to the right of each report included in 'My Saved Lists'. With this program you can:

  • Schedule when the report is run and distributed
  • Specify individual people to receive the report
  • Specify groups of people to receive the report
  • Identify individuals who don't have permission to access to the listings in the report
  • View and manage scheduled listing occurrences

Each report is emailed to the recipient from the 'no reply' email address specified in Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information

Only these reports can be scheduled:

  • Pastoral Care
  • Student Absences
  • Class Lists
  • Student Notes
  • Student Details
Click here to view an Administrator Note

To use this program, you must have the 'Scheduled Listings’ permission in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Creating a Schedule 

Click on the '+ Create Schedule' button to create a new automated email delivered to a person or group of people at a nominated time. 

Multiple schedules can be created if you want different recipients to receive the email at different times or with a different message. 

The automated email contents (Email Subject and Body of Email are defined in: System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates: Scheduled Listing template. 

Fields that require detailed information

This Description can be used as a keyword or description in the body of the email. This will not be used as the Email Subject. 

E.g. Weekly Pastoral Care Incidents. 


This Message can be used as a keyword in the body of the email. 

E.g. This report contains a list of Senior boys in grade 10 - 12 who have received a uniform infringement this week.  


Define how often you want the recipients to receive this automated email. 

E.g. Every week on Monday or every weekday.

Schedule Time

Schedule the time you'd like the recipients to receive these emails. 

The scheduled task which sends these emails run every 10 minutes. You might like to schedule it a couple of minutes prior to the time you want the email to land in their inbox. 

Schedule Recipients

'+Add Recipient' to add the group of people and/or individual recipients you want to receive this email. 

Individual recipients can be teaching staff and non-teaching staff (employees). 

Recipient Type: You can search for the following groups of people:

  • Head of House 
  • Head of Year 
  • Department e.g. English Department 
  • Groups 

Permission: This columns shows if the users added to receive this report have the necessary permission to access this listing. For groups of recipients, hover of the icon in this column to review permissions. 

If you've added a recipient who does not have permission to the listing you're scheduling, they will not receive a copy of this email. 

Manage Existing Schedules

Fields that require detailed information
DescriptionThis will appear in the body of the email sent to recipients. 

Next Date

Next Time

Indicates when the report will be run next. 
RecipientsThe number of recipients the report will be sent to. 
Past OccurrencesThe number of times the report was generated when it was not scheduled.

Select from the icons to:

Access the report listing where you view and edit the settings and parameters of the report.
View the Schedule without making changes to it. 

Edit the 'Schedule Occurrences' of the report where you can create a new occurrence for the report, delete a future occurrence, along with viewing the status of the report occurrences:

  • Scheduled
  • Processing
  • Completed
  • Failed
Edit the Schedule. 
Delete the Schedule. You will be prompted for confirmation. 

A report cannot be scheduled to run indefinitely. You must specify when the report will stop being sent. If you want the report to run for a long time, specify an end date far into the future.

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