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MER - Practitioners Tab


The Student Medical ‘Practitioners’ tab is used to add, view, edit and delete the details of the student's medical practitioners.

Adding a Practitioner

To add the details of a new practitioner, use the 'Add Practitioner' button.

The 'Add a Practitioner Record' pop-up screen allows you to enter the type of practitioner, name and contact phone number.

Fields that require further explanation

Practitioner Type

A mandatory field that requires you to enter a code or select a 'Practitioner Type' from the drop-down. Practitioner types are set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Medical Records > Setup Information > Medical Setup.

Students may have more than one practitioner listed separately for the same 'Practitioner Type'.

Viewing and Editing a Practitioner

Once a practitioner has been added, the 'Action' column in the 'Practitioners' tab provides the 'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' options.

The 'View Practitioner', 'Edit Practitioner ' and 'Delete Practitioner' pop-up windows display the information to be actioned.

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