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Maintaining Your Appointment Schedule

To maintain your appointment schedule, click the 'pencil' icon in the ‘Parent Teacher Interviews List Screen’ action column.


Parent Names

The Parent Name displayed in Staff Kiosk is derived from the Parent 1 & Parent 2 fields on the General Tab of the Parent Record. This is the default name prefilled into the appointment, however, staff and parents are able to adjust the name of the participating parents at booking time. The changes made to the parents name/s in relation to the conference are only retained in this conference.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

You can choose which Conference Actions and Appointment Actions are available to Teachers in TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences.

Conference Actions




Enter the Subject priority, request interviews with specific parents, or delete the Subject from the conference.

Refer to Maintaining Your Subject Preferences.

Bulk Assign Meeting Link

Set the meeting link for appointments. Like with any other grid program in TASS, you can fill down or drag from the lower right corner to speed up data entry.

Generate Emails

The 'Generate Emails' button presents the standard email modal allowing you to email those parents and students that you have an appointment with. You have the option to use a predefined template or create your own email.

Use the ‘Email Template’ dropdown to select predefined templates created by your school using TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings> ‘Email Templates’ tab.

Templates must be assigned to the ‘Parent Teacher Interview’ category to appear in the dropdown list.

For more information refer to How do I send email communications for Parent Teacher Interviews?

Print Appointment Schedule

Print your appointment schedule.

Appointment Actions




Select ‘Block’ to make yourself unavailable for this appointment slot.
Nominate how many appointments to block using the 'Block Appointments To' field and enter the reason for blocking them.

You can also reverse this process for this appointment by clicking the 'Unblock' link from the 'Appointment Schedule' screen.


Select Add to manually enter an appointment.
If, for example, a parent has contacted you directly.

Use the ‘magnifying glass’ icon to search for the student.

Once selected, the student and parent details display. 
You can change the 'Parent Attending / Name', 'Parent Email' and 'Parent Mobile Phone' fields if the parent has advised that they are different for this appointment.

Select the Subject Code for the appointment.

If the student is part of a split family arrangement, there may be more than one parent record associated with this student. Where this occurs, a 'Split Family Access Number' field will be displayed.
Select the parent record that the appointment will be with from the drop-down list. The parent data will then be displayed.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

Split family access is set up in TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Kiosk Setup.


Allows you to split this appointment into two appointments, e.g. You may be oversubscribed and decide to split an appointment slot into two to be able to see more parents. If the appointment lengths were 10 minutes, you could split into two 5 minute appointments.

Appointments with durations less than the 'Minimum Appointment Length' specified for this conference cannot be split in two.
You also can't split an appointment if the appointment length is an odd number (won't divide by two).


Allows you to rejoin a previously split appointment.

Two standard (non-split) appointments cannot be joined.


Move an appointment to another available time slot.

First, select a new appointment time from the 'Move Appointment To' field.

Only available appointments times will be displayed.

Next, choose how you would like to notify the parent of the appointment change:

  • Email Parent.

  • SMS Parent.

Example of Appointment Rescheduled - Email to Parent

Title: Interview Appointments with [teacher name] Rescheduled

Body: Please note that your interview appointment with [teacher name] re: [student name] - [subject] has been rescheduled to [date/time].

This Email Template can be modified in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > then select 'Appointment Rescheduled - Email to Parent.'

Example of Appointment Rescheduled - Email to Teacher

Title: Parent Teacher Interview Appointment with [Parent Name] has been Rescheduled

Body: Your Parent/Teacher interview appointments with [Parent Name] for [Preferred Name] - [Subject] has been rescheduled to [date/time].

This Email Template can be modified in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > then select ‘Appointment Rescheduled - Email to Teacher.’

Example of Appointment Rescheduled - SMS to Parent

Pls note that your interview appt with [teacher name] re: [student name] / [subject] has been rescheduled to [date/time].


Swap appointments with another parent. 

First, select the parent booking that you would like to swap this appointment with using the 'Swap Appointment With' field.

Next, choose how you would like to notify the parent of the appointment change:

  • Email Parent.

  • SMS Parent.

Example of Appointment Cancelled - Email to Parent

Title: Parent Teacher Interview Appointments with [Teacher Name] has been Cancelled

Body: Please note that your interview appointment with [teacher name] re: [student name]- [subject] has been Cancelled.

This Email Template can be modified in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > then select 'Appointment Cancelled - Email to Parent.'

When all appointments for a Teacher are cancelled the ‘All Appointments for a Teacher Cancelled’ email template will be used in place the template mentioned above.

Example of Appointment Cancelled - Email to Teacher

Title: Parent Teacher Interview Appointment with [Parent Name] has been Cancelled

Body: Please note that your interview appointment with [parent name] re: [student name] has been cancelled – please contact the school.

This Email Template can be modified in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > then select ‘Appointment Cancelled - Email to Teacher.'

When all appointments for a Teacher are cancelled the ‘All Appointments for a Parent Cancelled’ email template will be used in place the template mentioned above.

Example of Appointment Cancelled - SMS Message to Parent

Pls note that your interview appt with [parent name] re:[student name] has been cancelled – pls contact the school.


Cancel an appointment. 

Choose how you would like to notify the parent of the appointment change:

  • Email Parent. 

  • SMS Parent.

Example of Appointment Cancelled - Email to Parent

Title: Parent Teacher Interview Appointments with [Teacher Name] has been Cancelled

Body: Please note that your interview appointment with [teacher name] re: [student name]- [subject] has been Cancelled.

This Email Template can be modified in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > then select 'Appointment Cancelled - Email to Parent.'

When all appointments for a Teacher are cancelled the ‘All Appointments for a Teacher Cancelled’ email template will be used in place the template mentioned above.

Example of Appointment Cancelled - Email to Teacher

Title: Parent Teacher Interview Appointment with [Parent Name] has been Cancelled

Body: Please note that your interview appointment with [parent name] re: [student name] has been cancelled – please contact the school.

This Email Template can be modified in TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > then select ‘Appointment Cancelled - Email to Teacher.'

When all appointments for a Teacher are cancelled the ‘All Appointments for a Parent Cancelled’ email template will be used in place the template mentioned above.

Example of Appointment Cancelled - SMS Message to Parent

Pls note that your interview appt with [parent name] re:[student name] has been cancelled – pls contact the school.


Notes can be added against appointments prior to, during and after an interview. 

Parent Note: Displays any notes that a parent may have entered when requesting or booking an appointment through Parent Lounge.

Teacher Note: Internal notes that are not visible to parents.

Appointment Note: Notes that can be shared with parents via email.

Examples of how notes could be used:

  • Agenda items for the interview

    • Recording of discussions that occurred during the interview

    • Feedback and reminders regarding action items that came out of the interview.

    • To add or update a URL for an online meeting.

Notes can be viewed/printed from the following locations:

  • Staff Kiosk program Listings Class Lists/Emails.
    Tick 'Parent Teacher Interview' in 'Note Type Options'
    Choose 'Appointment', 'Parent' and/or 'Teacher' in the 'Notes Filters' - 'PTI Note Categories'.  This can be exported to PDF, Excel, Word or used to Generate Emails.

  • Staff Kiosk program Student Search > Student Profile > Notes.

  • TASS.web program Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences > [Conference] > Teachers tab > [View Teacher] > Appointments tab > Print >  'Parent Note', 'Appointment Note' and 'Teacher Note' are available as Additional Fields.

Join Online Meeting

If a URL for an online meeting is configured, a 'Join Online Meeting' link shows. 

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