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Parent Teacher Interviews List Screen

The Parent Teacher Interviews List Screen displays a list of your upcoming PTI conferences and some key information.
Past conferences can also be viewed by selecting 'All' from the drop-down menu.

To sort by a column, click on the column heading.

To sort by multiple columns, hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.


A conference can potentially progress through several stages, represented by the 'status'. Each status allows certain edit actions in Staff Kiosk:



What you can do during this status


An administrator has set up a conference but staff have not yet been given access.

View the date of an upcoming conference


Staff have been given access to the conference, but parents are not yet able to book appointments.

  • *Enter subject preferences (if applicable).

  • *Request an interview with specific parents.

  • Add an appointment (e.g. On a parent's behalf).

  • Block an appointment slot (make yourself unavailable for bookings).

  • Swap, Move and Split appointments.

  • Cancel appointments.

  • Add Teacher or Appointment notes and attachments.

  • Assign Meeting Links.

  • Email Parents/Students

  • Print/View Appointment Schedule.

*Functions marked with an asterisk are only possible while the conference has an 'Open' status.


Staff's early access to the conference has finished.

The conference is not accessible by either Teachers or Parents.


Staff again have access to the conference.

Parents also have access to the conference.

  • *Add an appointment (e.g. On a parent's behalf).

  • *Block an appointment slot (make yourself unavailable for bookings).

  • *Swap, Move and Split appointments.

  • *Cancel appointments.

  • Review notes entered by parents in Parent Lounge.

  • Add Teacher or Appointment notes and attachments.

  • Assign Meeting Links.

  • Email Parents/Students.

  • Print/View Appointment Schedule.

  • Record parent attendance.

*Functions marked with an asterisk are not possible on the day of the conference.


The conference has concluded.

  • Add Teacher or Appointment notes and attachments.

  • Record parent attendance.

  • Email Parents/Students.

  • Print/View Appointment Schedule.

Each of these functions is explained further in Maintaining Your Appointment Schedule.

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