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How to Setup and Run a Parent Teacher Interview





TASS Knowledge Base > Parent Teacher Interviews Overview.

Read the ‘Parent Teacher Interviews Overview’ on TASS Knowledge Base.

Decide which appointment allocation method will be used for this PTI conference.



TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Rooms' tab.

Flag the rooms that will be available for this PTI Conference.



TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Subjects' tab.

'Un-flag' subjects that will not be used in PTI conferences. 

Eg: Subjects such as 'Homeroom'.

This step is normally only required to be done on initial setup, or if new subjects are introduced or existing subjects are no longer to be included in PTI conferences.



TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Setup.

Set up the parameters for PTI.

This step is normally only required to be done when first setting up the module.  



TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences.

Create this PTI Conference.


{Method One} Parent preference order and Teacher subject weightings'


{Method Two}  Appointments allocated on a first in first served basis'

{Method Three}  Direct selection of appointment times by Parent


TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > Generate Conference Schedule.

{ Methods 1 & 2 }

Generate this PTI Conference schedule 

{ Methods 3 }

Generate this PTI Conference schedule 



TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences.

{ Methods 1 & 2 }

Add the room(s) that the teachers will use for this PTI Conference.

{ Methods 3 }

Add the room(s) that the teachers will use for this PTI Conference.



TASS.web Student Admin >Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences.

Check 'Appointment Schedule', 'Subjects', 'Rooms', 'Teachers' and 'Parents' tabs.

Review (edit) the conference after schedule has been generated. 

Enter any requests for parents who do not have access to Parent Lounge using the 'Parent' tab.

Review (edit) the conference after schedule has been generated. 

Enter any bookings for parents who do not have access to Parent Lounge using the 'Parent' tab.



Staff Kiosk Staff > Parent Teacher Interviews.

Staff Kiosk Pre-release review

{ Methods 1 & 2 }

Teachers maintain their PTI conference schedule:

  • Enter subject priorities

  • Enter required students

  • Block out appointments

  • Split appointments

  • where applicable.

Staff Kiosk Pre-release review

{ Methods 3 }

Teachers maintain their PTI conference schedule:

  • Enter subject priorities

  • Enter required students

  • Block out appointments

  • Split appointments

  • where applicable.



Parent Lounge Homepage Menu > Parent Teacher Interviews


Parent Lounge Top Menu > Parent Teacher Interviews.

{ Methods 1 & 2 }

There are 2 ways that parents can enter their requests:

  1. Using the homepage menu Parent Teacher Interviews.

  2. Using the top menu Parent teacher Interviews.

{ Methods 3 }

Parents make their bookings:

  1. Using the homepage menu Parent Teacher Interviews.

  2. Using the top menu Parent teacher Interviews.



TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > Process Interview Requests.

{ Methods 1 & 2}

Process requests

{ Methods 3 }

Not applicable.



Parent Lounge Homepage Menu > Parent Teacher Interviews


Parent Lounge Top Menu > Parent Teacher Interviews.

{ Methods 1 & 2}

Parents review their requests.

{ Methods 3 }

Parents make their bookings



Administrators use: TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences.

Teachers use: Staff Kiosk Staff > Parent Teacher Interviews.

Parents use: Parent Lounge Homepage Menu > Parent Teacher Interviews or Parent Lounge Top Menu > Parent Teacher Interviews.

Conference in progress.

Conference in progress.


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