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How to Setup Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care (SK)

Important! Follow the links in this document for detailed reference level help for each topic/program.


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TASS Knowledge Base 'Pastoral Care Overview' and Videos.

Important! It is very important that before you attempt to set up Pastoral Care that you read and understand the concepts that are outlined in this overview.

Special attention should be given to the examples that are provided for:

  • Types.

  • Conducts.

  • Outcomes.



Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > Parameters (Setup).

Define whether your school will be operating the Pastoral Care module as a 'points-based' system (not recommended), e.g. where points are awarded or deducted from students based on their Pastoral Care entries.

If your school does decide to operate a 'points-based' system, the following additional programs will need to set up:



Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > Types (Setup).

Set up the Pastoral Care Types that will be available to teachers when logging Pastoral Care Entries.

One of the Types (and one only) must be configured with 'Subject Flag' set to 'Yes'.



Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > Conduct (Setup).

Set up the Pastoral Care Conducts that will be available to teachers when logging Pastoral Care Entries.



Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > Outcomes (Setup).

Set up the Pastoral Care Outcomes that will be available to teachers when logging Pastoral Care Entries.

Note the Outcomes that will require scheduling in the school's calendar.

An example of these Outcomes could be:

  • Detention that occurs every Wednesday afternoon.

  • A Study Group that occurs every Monday morning.



Staff Kiosk Calendar > Event Categories (Setup).

Create a separate 'Event Category' for each Outcome (in Step 5) that requires scheduling in the school's calendar.



Staff Kiosk Calendar > School Calendar

Using the 'Event Categories' set up in Step 6, create the Calendar Events for each Outcome.



Staff Kiosk Calendar > Calendar Feeds (Setup).

Ensure that 'Pastoral Care' is available as a feed and that the 'Mandatory in SC' is set to 'Yes'.



Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > Outcomes (Setup).

Edit the Outcomes you have scheduled into the school's calendar (in Steps 6 and 7) and define the Event Category that was used.



TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions

Edit Parent Lounge and tick the 'Pastoral Care' permission to enable the Pastoral Care section to display in Parent Lounge.


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