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Types (Setup)

Types (Setup) Overview

This program is used to define the Pastoral Care Types that will be available to teachers when logging PC Entries.

Examples of Types


Subject Flag (Only one Type can have this)



Sport/Extra Curricular






It is important to understand the difference between Conducts and Types.

  • A Type is the highest level of categorisation for a PC Entry.
  • There should only be a relatively small number of Types, whereas most school would setup many Conducts.
  • One Type (and only one) must be set up with the 'Subject Flag' of 'Yes'. 

When a teacher logs a PC Entry and uses this Type (with the 'Subject Flag' of 'Yes'), he/she will be required to select one of the student's subject classes. This effectively links the PC Entry to a subject for use in data analytics.

For examples of Conducts, refer to 'Conduct (Setup)'.

Types List Screen

The 'Types (Setup)' screen displays a list of the pre-existing Types in your system and the following details:

  • Code
  • Description
  • Subject Flag
  • View in Parent Lounge
  • Action
    • Select the 'pencil' icon to edit an existing Type.
    • Select the 'rubbish bin' icon to delete an existing Type.
      *A Type can only be deleted where no existing Pastoral Care entries have used this Type.

Select Print to export the Types list (PDF, Excel® or Word®).

Creating a New Type

Select + New to display the 'Add Type' screen and select +Submit New to save the record to the database.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field that requires a unique 3-digit alphanumeric code used to define the Pastoral Care Type.


A mandatory field that requires you to enter a brief description of the Pastoral Care Type. Up to 60 characters.

Subject Flag

Only one Type can be set up as the 'Subject Flag' linked Type.

When a teacher logs a PC Entry and uses this Type (with the 'Subject Flag' of 'Yes'), he/she will be required to select one of the student's subject classes. This effectively links the PC Entry to a subject for use in data analytics.

View in Parent Lounge

Select Yes if this Type should display in the Pastoral Care section in Parent Lounge.  
*Note that Pastoral Care records will only display in Parent Lounge where both the Type and the Conduct of the entry are flagged as Yes.

Automatic Notifications

Use this section to indicate staff who will be notified when a Pastoral Care Entry is logged using this Type.

Notification options include via Email, SMS, and Notification.

The email sent to staff will contain a link that when clicked will automatically redirect the user to the relevant 'Pastoral Care Entry' screen in Staff Kiosk.

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