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Conduct (Setup)


This program is used to define the Pastoral Care Conducts that will be available to teachers when logging PC Entries.

Examples of Conducts




Academic mention

Uniform Infringements


General merit


Classroom participation

Technology Misuse

School community assistance

Disruptive in class

General community assistance


Conducts are a critical element for the Pastoral Care system:

  • They determine the automatic notifications that will occur when a PC Entry is logged. Automatic notifications can be delivered by email, SMS or Staff Kiosk and Parent Lounge notification.

  • They determine if a teacher will be required to provide details of 'Recipient Student(s)' when a PC Entry is logged, e.g. If a student has been bullying another student, then the student being bullied can also be recorded within the PC Entry as a recipient.

  • They determine if a PC Entry is of a negative, neutral or positive 'Nature'.
    If you are running a points-based Pastoral Care system, this program is also used to determine and maintain the default number of points that will be deducted or added to a student's starting points when a student PC Entry is logged. Positive or Negative points can be allocated against a Conduct.
    Community Service       2
    Bad Language              -4

  • Each Conduct has an associated permission point.
    This means that the addition, editing and display of PC Entries that contain certain Conducts can be restricted to designated groups of users (Staff Kiosk User Roles).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Use TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions to create Staff Kiosk User Roles and to assign teachers into them. It is important to follow the steps outlined in the TASS knowledge base for that program.

Conducts List Screen

When you access the program, the 'Conduct (Setup)' screen will display a list of the pre-existing Conducts in your system.

The Conduct List summarises the following details:

  • Conduct Code

  • Description of Conduct

  • Points (if enables)

  • Recipient Flag (Y/N)

  • Nature

  • View in Parent Lounge

  • Active (Yes/No)

  • TK Roles (number of)

  • TK Users (number of)

  • Action

    • Select the 'pencil' icon to edit an existing Conduct.

    • Select the 'rubbish bin' icon to delete an existing Conduct.
      *A Conduct can only be deleted where it is set as Inactive.

Tick Include Inactive at the top of the screen to return a complete list of active and inactive Conducts.

Select Print to export the Conducts list (PDF, Excel® or Word®).

To sort by a column click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.

Creating a New Conduct

Select + New to display the 'Add Conduct' screen, enter the details, then select +Submit New to save the record to the database.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field that requires a unique 3 digit alphanumeric code used to define the Pastoral Care Conduct.


Where this field has been set to 'Yes', the Conduct will be available when creating new PC Entries.

Set this field to 'No' to stop this Conduct being used for new PC Entries.


A mandatory field that requires you to enter a description of the Pastoral Care Conduct. Up to 60 characters.


Running your school's Pastoral Care system in a 'Points' based mode is optional. If 'Points' has not been activated in Parameters (Setup), then this field will not be displayed.

A numeric field that defines the number of points that will be deducted or added to the student's 'Starting Points' when a PC Entry is logged through Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > PC Entries and this Conduct is used.

The value entered into this field can either be of a positive or negative.


Community Service       2
Bad Language              -4

*Recipient Flag

When the teacher logs a PC Entry and uses a Conduct that has the 'Recipient Flag' set to 'Yes', a field will become available (and mandatory). It is called 'Recipient Student(s)' and will force the teacher to select one or more students.

Select 'Yes' if this Conduct is to force the entry of a 'Recipient Student'.

Example: Bullying.


Allocate a 'Positive', 'Neutral' or 'Negative' Nature against a Conduct.

When the teacher logs a PC Entry and uses this Conduct, the entry will assume this 'Nature'.

The 'Nature' of PC Entries is displayed in various areas of Staff Kiosk (including data analytics) as green, yellow and red indicators.

'Nature' can also be used as a filter when viewing PC Entry history.

*View in Parent Lounge

Select Yes if this Conduct should display in the Pastoral Care section in Parent Lounge.  

Note that Pastoral Care records will only display in Parent Lounge where both the Type and the Conduct of the entry are flagged as Yes. 

Automatic Notifications

Indicate who will be automatically notified when a teacher logs a PC Entry using this Conduct.

Notification options include:

  • Email

  • Notification

  • SMS

Email: A generic email message can be sent to the selected recipients.

  • The email sent to Teachers contains a link redirecting them to the 'Pastoral Care Entry' screen for the student involved in Staff Kiosk.

Example - Email sent to Teachers

Subject: Pastoral Care Notification

Mrs G Battersby has added a Pastoral Care Entry for Leroy Ned Cafe at 03:35 PM on 18/02/2022.

Click Here to review this Pastoral Care Entry

  • Parents who are ticked for 'TK Corr' (Staff Kiosk Correspondence) on a student's 'Address and Comms' tab will receive the email.

The email message sent is as follows, and cannot be edited:

Example - Email sent to Parents

Subject: Pastoral Care Notification

Mrs G Battersby has added a Pastoral Care Entry for Leroy Ned Cafe at 03:35 PM on 18/02/2022.

  • To activate a link in the email for parents to check Notifications in Parent Lounge for more details, the following three options must be enabled:

    • Users must be allocated the 'Create Parent Lounge Notifications (Individual)' user permission in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk.

    • Each Pastoral Care Conduct Option must have the ‘View in Parent Lounge’ option enabled with the ‘Automatic Notifications’ checkboxes ticked for Parents: ‘Emails’ and ‘Notifications’ in Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > Conduct (Setup).

    • When creating the PC Entry in Staff Kiosk Pastoral Care > PC Entries > 'New+', the 'Comment for Parents' field must have something written in it.

When the above three conditions are met, the email message will be sent as follows, and cannot be edited:

Example - Email sent to Parents (with a direct link to Parent Lounge)

Subject: Pastoral Care Notification

Mrs G Battersby has added a Pastoral Care Entry for Leroy Ned Cafe at 03:35 PM on 18/02/2022.

Please check your Notifications in Parent Lounge for more details.

Click Here to login to Parent Lounge

Notification: A notification can appear for teachers in Staff Kiosk and parents in Parent Lounge.

SMS: A generic SMS can be sent to the selected recipients.

Parents who are ticked for 'TK Corr' (Staff Kiosk Correspondence) and who also have the SMS box ticked on a student's 'Address and Comms' tab will receive the SMS.

Schools must have a SMS Gateway API set up to use the SMS functionality.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

To allocate teachers into the following:

'Head of Year' and 'Year Administrators'

Use TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'School Section Years' tab.

'Head of House' and 'House Administrators'

Use TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the 'Houses' tab.

PC/Tutor Groups

Use TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teacher Grid Entry or Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers.

Students are allocated into PC/Tutor Groups in Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Student Grid Entry.

Allow Opt Out

This field becomes active when one of the Parent 'Automatic Notifications' above has been nominated.

Ticking this checkbox allows teachers the option to untick the parent from receiving the notification when they are adding a new Pastoral Care entry with this conduct.

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