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Trigger Points (Setup)


This program allows you to nominate the actions that the school takes when student's reach certain Trigger Point levels.

Running your school's Pastoral Care system in a 'Points' based mode is optional. If 'Points' have not been enabled in Parameters (Setup), then this program is not available.

Trigger Points are for reference only and are not used in the PC Entry or Listing programs.

Use Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > Student Points (Lists) to generate a report and compare it against the Trigger Points listed in this program. 

Examples of Trigger Points



10 Points

Initially issued to students.

7 Points

Lunchtime detention.

5 Points

After school detention.

3 Points

Interview with Principal.

Creating a New Trigger Point

When you access the program, the 'Trigger Points (Setup)' screen will display a list of the pre-existing Trigger Points in your system.

Select the 'pencil' icon to edit an existing Trigger Points.

Select the 'New' button to display the 'Add Trigger Points' screen.

Fields that require further explanation

Year Group

This field will determine the year level that the Trigger Points will be allocated against.


This is a mandatory field that requires you to enter a unique numeric value.

Each Trigger Point requires a new number to be allocated to it in the scenario where more than one trigger is created for any one year group. 


A mandatory field that requires you to nominate the action that will occur when a student reaches the number of points outlined in the trigger.


Indicates the number of points a student must reach before being either reprimanded or commended for their actions.

Select the 'Save' button to record your entry to the database.

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