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Outcomes (Setup)


The Pastoral Care ‘Outcomes (Setup)' program is used to define the Pastoral Care Outcomes that will be available to teachers when logging PC Entries.

Outcomes are optional on PC Entries.

Examples of Outcomes


Calendar Linked





Playground Duty


Sent from class


Homework support


A PC Entry Outcome is an action or follow-up required as a result of the Conduct recorded.

Outcomes can be flagged against a Staff Kiosk 'Calendar Event Category'. 

When a teacher logs a PC Entry and uses an Outcome that has a 'Calendar Event Category', he/she will be required to select an event from the calendar. 

An example of this would be a PC Entry that involved detention. The teacher would nominate when the student is to undertake the detention based on the event options in the school calendar. The student would then be able to view the detention in his/her eDiary. Parents can also access their student's eDiaries in Parent Lounge.

Creating a New Outcome

When you access the program, the 'Outcomes (Setup)' screen will display a list of the pre-existing Types in your system.

Select the 'Edit' icon to edit an existing Outcome.

Select the 'New' button to display the 'Add Outcome' screen.

Fields that require further explanation


A mandatory field that requires a unique 3 digit alphanumeric code used to define the Pastoral Care Outcome.


A mandatory field that requires you to enter a brief description of the Pastoral Care Outcome. Up to 30 characters.

Calendar Event Category

If you nominate a 'Calendar Event Category' here the PC Entry program will force the teachers to select a calendar date when they log a PC Entry and use this Outcome, e.g. Detentions

To make this work you will need to have set up:

  1. A 'Category' using Staff Kiosk Calendar > Event Categories (Setup).

  2. Use Staff Kiosk Calendar > Calendar Feeds (Setup) to ensure that 'Pastoral Care' is available as a feed and that the 'Mandatory in SC' is set to 'Yes'.

  3. A recurring event using Staff Kiosk Calendar > School Calendar. The event must use the 'Category' that you set up in Step 1.
    You should also ensure that the event does not have the 'Parent Lounge' and 'Student Café' checkboxes ticked. You don't want all of the parent and students seeing all of the recurring events (e.g. Every detention session for the Semester), just the ones that a student is allocated to, through a PC Entry.

  4. Ensure that the 'Pastoral Care' permission is enabled for students. Use TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions for product 'Student Cafe'.  

Select the 'Save' button to record your entry to the database.

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