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Parameters (Setup) (PC)

This program determines:

  • Whether the Pastoral Care system is to run in a 'Points' based mode.

  • The default date form which PC Entries will be displayed in the student's profile.

Fields that require further explanation

*Enable Points

Use to this option to define if your school will be using a 'Points' based mode.

Select 'Yes' to run a point-based demerit or merit system, and enable following menu items:

If your school decides to operate a 'points-based' system, Starting Points (Setup) and Trigger Points (Setup) will also need to be set up.

Select 'No' to run a non-point-based system, and disable the following menu items: 

*Time Period to show pastoral Care Entries on Student page

This parameter is significant in both point-based and non-point-based modes.

Point-based demerit or merit system

  • It determines the starting date from which PC Entries will be displayed to teachers and the date from which the 'Starting Points' will be applied in Staff Kiosk program Student Profile > Pastoral Care.

Non-point-based system

  • It determines the starting date from which PC Entries will be displayed to teachers in Staff Kiosk program Student Profile > Pastoral Care.

  • Teachers can access earlier PC Entries by clicking on the 'See All' button.

Select one of following options: 

  • Current Year

  • Current Semester

  • Number of Days

When you update this field, this also affects the default date displayed in the 'Date From' field in Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > Student Points (Lists) and the 'Date(s)' field in Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > PC Entries (Lists/Emails).

Number of Days

This field determines the 'Time Period to show pastoral Care Entries on Student page' when 'Number of Days' is selected in the field above. 

Select the 'Save' button to record your entry to the database.

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