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How to set up the Sports Fixtures and Results Portal

There are six components to the Sports Fixtures & Results subsystem in TASS:

  1. 'Sports Activities' that are to be included must be set up in the TASS.web Extra Curricular module.

  2. 'Sports Activities', oppositions, rounds, venues and fixtures are set up in Staff Kiosk Extra Curricular.

  3. Results can be entered either of the following two areas:

    • TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Activity GroupsSelect the Hamburger menu in the 'Action' column of an Extra Curricular Group, and then 'Sessions' and scroll to the Student Sessions and Fixtures sections, or

    • Staff Kiosk Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups. Select the Hamburger menu in the 'Action' column of an Extra Curricular Group, and then 'Sessions' and scroll to the Student Sessions and Fixtures sections.

  4. Details of fixtures and results are then displayed to the school community as a link from the school's website using the TASS Sports Fixtures & Results portal.

  5. Access to the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal can also be given to parents in Parent Lounge > Extra Curricular, Staff in Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular and Students in Student Cafe 'School Links'. 

  6. Information displayed in the portal is set up in the TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup > 'Activities' tab > Portal Details.

The 'Sports Fixtures and Results Portal' is a public link.  Users do not need to login or authenticate their identity to access this portal. 

A link/shortcut to the 'Sports Fixtures and Results Portal' is available in:

  • Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular > Sports Portal (To activate refer to Step 11 below) 

  • Parent Lounge > Sports Fixtures and Results Portal (To activate refer to Step 12 below) 

Student Cafe does not contain a link/shortcut to the portal.  If you wish to share the portal with students, you can add a link to Student Cafe 'School Links' using Staff Kiosk program Links > School Links (Maintain).  

Setup Checklist

It is important that you follow the sequence detailed here.



Summary Description

  • Task


Activate the Sports Fixtures & Results (SFR) Portal

Use TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Product Activation Maintenance.

  • Complete


TASS.web Extra Curricular Module - Acitvities

All sports that are to be made available through the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal must be set up as Extra Curricular 'Activities'. Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activities' tab.

They must all belong to a single 'Activity Type'. This 'Activity Type' will be used in Step 4.

  • Complete


TASS.web Extra Curricular Module - Activity Levels

All teams that are to be made available through the TASS Sports Fixtures & Results Portal must be set up as Extra Curricular 'Activity Levels'. Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity Levels' tab.

  • Complete


Set Up Parameters for Sports Fixtures & Results Portal Using Staff Kiosk

Use Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Parameters (Setup) to set up and maintain the information and images that will be displayed in the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal.

  • Complete


Set Up Sports Using Staff Kiosk

Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Setup > 'Activities' tab > 'Portal Details' section to set up the Sport Activity information that you want to be visible in the portal.  

  • Complete


Set Up Oppositions Using Staff Kiosk

Use Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Opposition (Setup).

Access the TASS knowledge base for this program for details on setting up the oppositions that will be available in the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal.

You will need to set up one of the oppositions as your own school. You then need to go back to the 'Our School's Code' field in program Extra Curricular > Parameters (Setup) and enter your school in this field.

  • Complete


Set Up Sports Venues Using Staff Kiosk

Use Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Venues (Setup).

Access the TASS knowledge base for this program for details on setting up the venues that will be available in the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal.

  • Complete


Set Up Sports Rounds Using Staff Kiosk

Use Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups.

Access the TASS knowledge base for this program for details on setting up the rounds that will be available in the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal.

Refer to Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups > Adding a New Extra Curricular Group (under 'Rounds')

  • Complete


Set Up Teams

To set up the students in your sporting teams use:

TASS.web program Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Student Activities Grid can be used to quickly move students in and out of teams.

  • Complete


Set Up Sports Fixtures Using Staff Kiosk

Use Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups.

Access the TASS knowledge base for this program for details on setting up the fixtures that will be available in the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal.

Refer to Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups > Scheduling Extra Curricular Sessions (under 'Creating and Maintaining Fixtures').

  • Complete


Check the appearance of your Portal

At this point, you should fully proof your Sports Fixtures & Results Portal. Check the appearance of the main page and each sport's page.

Use the website link from TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Product Activation Maintenance.

  • Complete


Enter Sports Results Using Staff Kiosk

You are now ready to enter results for completed sporting fixtures.

Use Staff Kiosk program Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups.

Access the TASS knowledge base for this program for details on entering results that will be available in the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal.

Refer to Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups > Scheduling Extra Curricular Sessions (under 'Creating and Maintaining Fixtures').

  • Complete


Proof your Test Sample

At this point, you should go to the Sports Fixtures & Results Portal and test a sample of results for several sports before opening this website to parents, students and teachers.

  • Complete


Enable Sports Portal on Staff Kiosk

Activate the TK - Sports Portal shortcut/link in Staff Kiosk by going to TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Tick the checkbox in the (Accessed via Top Menu) column for Staff Kiosk > Extra Curricular > Sports Portal.

  • Complete


Enable the Option 'Sports Fixtures and Results' in Parent Lounge

Use TASS.web program Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on the 'Homepage' tab.

  • Complete

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