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Venues (Setup) (SK EC)

When you access the program, the screen will display a list of the existing sporting venues.

To sort by a column, click on the column heading. To sort by multiple columns hold down the 'Shift' key and click the second and subsequent columns.

This program allows you to:

  • Create new sporting venues for your school, opposition schools and neutral venues (use the 'New' button)

  • Print a list of venues (use the 'Print' button)

  • Edit venues. Click the 'pencil' icon.

  • Delete venues.  Click the 'rubbish bin' icon. 

  • Nominate the venue of an opposition team.

Venues are a mandatory field when creating sports 'Rounds' and 'Fixtures' using Staff Kiosk.

Refer to Extra Curricular > Extra Curricular Groups > Scheduling Extra Curricular Sessions (under 'Creating and Maintaining Fixtures').

Adding a New Venue

Click the 'New' button to display the 'Add Venue' screen.

Fields that require further explanation

Venue Code

A mandatory field that requires a unique alphanumeric code (up to 6 characters) to define the venue.


Select an opposition from the dropdown list (as set up in program Extra Curricular > Opposition (Setup).


Enter the description (e.g. St Johns Field 3) (Use up to 100 characters).

Could include some part of the address.


The URL entered here will become a link for visitors to the Sports Fixtures & Results portal, e.g. A Google Map reference.

To enter your own sporting venue, create an opposition code called 'Home' using program Extra Curricular > Opposition (Setup).

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