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School Links (Maintain)

School Links Overview

School Links provides a tool that you can use to publish electronic documents to:

  • Teachers and Employees (through the 'Links' button in Staff Kiosk and Staff Orbit).
  • Parents (through the 'School Links' button in Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit).
  • Students (through the 'School Links' menu option in Student Café).

A Link can be a digital file such as a Word®, PDF, or Excel® file. PDF format is recommended. It can also be a hyperlink to a website.

The School Links List, available via the Staff Kiosk top menu Lists > School Links (Maintain), displays the category in which each School Link is grouped along with portals that the link will be available in. It provides a quick snap-shot of all the links that are configured.

In the 'Action' column, click the 'Edit' link to view or change a link's details. Click 'Delete' to completely remove the link.

You can temporarily remove a link from portals using removing their associated tick from the 'Available In' checkbox — an option available in 'Edit' mode. Use 'Delete' to completely remove it.

To add a new entry, click on the 'Add a School Link' button.

When the 'Add a School Link' button is clicked, a modal will open with the following fields.

Fields that require further explanation


Links will be grouped and displayed for Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge and Student Café users, under 'Categories'.

Nominate the appropriate 'Category' for this Link.

Use Staff Kiosk program Links > School Link Categories (Maintain) to set up and maintain the 'Categories' that become available in this drop-down list.

*Link Label

The title that will be displayed to the user in Staff Kiosk, Student Café or Parent Lounge.

Link URL

Displays the URL Link that will be used to open up the website.


The URL specified must be accessible (i.e. Do not specify local URL's or addresses if users will be accessing it from outside of the network).


Select the 'Browse' button and select a file from your local directory to attach to this Link.  


This field only applies to links that are a URL. All links that are an attachment will be downloaded (as opposed to opening in browser windows).

Embedded within the application window

When the user in Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge or Student Café opens the link, the banner and top menu will still be displayed and the Link will open in the section below.

New Browser Window

When the user in Staff Kiosk, Parent Lounge or Student Café opens the link, a new browser window is opened and the Link is displayed.

*Available In:

Tick the appropriate checkbox(es) to make this Link potentially available to users in:

  • Teacher Kiosk (to activate the link in Staff Kiosk and Staff Orbit)
    • Staff Orbit Side Menu
  • Student Café.
  • Parent Lounge.
  • Parent Orbit App
Click here to view an Administrator Note.

A special permission allows you to append unique parent-related data to a URL Link using the 'Include in URL' field. You would use this to pass sensitive information through to another (non-TASS) product for login authentication.


By enabling these options you are acknowledging that sensitive parent information can be transferred via a URL to a third-party software system. It is important that you complete an internal security review/analysis of appending sensitive parent information to a school link URL.

CampusUsing a 'Campus' on a school link will ensure that the link is only available in Student Café (and Parent Lounge) if the respective student is in that campus.


Once the School Link is created, it becomes a new menu item in Staff Kiosk, Staff Orbit, Parent Lounge, Parent Orbit or Student Café. The permission to view the menu item will need to be granted to teachers, students and/or parents using TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

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