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Groups List Screen

When you access the program, the screen will display a list of groups that you have previously created or groups that you have been given 'Admin Rights' to.

Columns that require further explanation

Include Expired Groups

It is possible to edit an existing group and apply an 'Expiry Date'. Once this 'Expiry Date' is reached, the group will not be available in the programs listed directly above.

In this program, you can tick this box to include expired groups. You may want to do this to edit and reuse an expired group by removing the 'Expiry Date'.

# Members

This column will display the number of current students and staff within a group.

Click on the number in the '# Members' column to print a report detailing the people currently in the group.

Public Flag

This field indicates whether a group is shared with other teachers.

Public groups can be used by other teachers in the programs listed directly above.

Various options are available in the 'Action' column:

Click the 'New Group' button to create a new group containing students and/or staff. This will take you to the 'Group Details' screen.

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