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This screen allows you to add or maintain the students or staff in your group.

Members already in the group will be displayed in the 'Students / Staff in this Group' column.  This includes future students in the group (they will have 'Start Date' appended to their name).

 The top section of the screen allows you to search for people to add to your group.

There are several ways in which you can search:

  • Students.

  • Subject Class.

  • Extra-Curricular Activity.

  • Events & Payments – current.

  • Events & Payments – completed.

  • Staff.

Once you have selected your 'Search Mode', the filters below will dynamically change.

First, select the 'Filter By' option, and then the 'Filter Value 1 and 2' where applicable.

Click the 'Go' button to complete the search and display the students and/or staff in the 'Choose from these Students/Staff' column.

To allocate students and/or staff to this group:

  • Select the person by clicking with your mouse.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking, enables selection of multiple students.

  • Use the arrow buttons to move the selected people to the 'Students/Staff in this Group' column.

 Click the 'Print' button to print a listing detailing the members in your group.


The 'Email' option will allow you to:

  • Email the members of a group (students and/or staff).

  • Email the parents of student members of a group.

If the group that you are emailing contains students, you will be able to nominate whether you want to send an:

  • Email to Students.

  • Email to Parents.

  • Email to Students and Parents.

Click here for further information on 'Email options'
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