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Group Details Screen

This screen allows you to:

  • Add a new group.

  • Modify existing group details (edit mode).

  • Apply an 'Expiry Date' to an existing group.

  • Allocate 'Admin Rights' to an existing group to other teachers and/or employees.

Fields that require further explanation

# Members 

This is a display-only field and will display the number of current students and staff who are in a group.

In add mode, this field will be '0'.


Enter a description that explains the students or staff being added to this group.

As an example: Musical - Musicians.

Additional Details

This field can be used to enter a further description of the people being added to this group.

As an example: The stage band that will perform during the Musical.

Public Flag

Select 'No' if this group will be your own personal group and not shared with other users in Staff Kiosk.

Select 'Yes' if this group will be shared with other teachers.

Teachers will then be able to use your group when using the Staff Kiosk programs listed above.

Expiry Date

This field can be used to nominate a date when the group will no longer be needed.

This field is not available in add mode.

Admin Rights assigned to

This section of the screen allows you to assign admin rights to a group to other teachers.

Teachers who have been given 'Admin Rights' to a group will be able to:

  • Edit a group.

  • Delete a group.

  • Maintain the members in a group.

  • Email a group.

  • Use this group in the programs listed above.

Enter a valid 'Teacher Code' or 'Employee Code' into the 'Teacher / Employee' field and click the 'Add' button. 

Alternatively, click the 'Binoculars' icon to use the search facility.

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