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Creating a Personal Calendar Event

Two methods are available for creating your own events in your calendar:

  1. Speed Mode (using the 'Event' popup).

  2. Detailed Entry (using the 'Calendar Entry' screen).

Speed Mode (Using the 'Event' Popup)

This method of entering personal events would be used where a minimal amount of information is required to establish the event and you will be the only one to see the event.

With your mouse, click on the date and start time for your event to open the 'Event' popup.

To nominate a time range for your event, click and drag your mouse down over multiple time cells

Enter a 'Title' and 'Summary' (optional) and click the 'Save' button to create your personal event.

To create an event with more detailed information, click the 'Detail' button to open the 'Calendar Entry' screen.

Click in the 'All Day' cell to create an event for the entire day and not a specific time range. To create an 'All Day' event over more than one day, click and drag your mouse over multiple days.

Detailed Entry (Using the 'Calendar Entry' Screen)

This mode of event entry will allow you to:

  • Create a detailed event.

  • Include a link to a website.

  • Include an attachment.

  • Assign the event so that it becomes visible to a custom group of students and/or staff.

  • Assign the event so that it becomes visible to a dynamic group of students and/or staff.

  • Set the event up with a recurrence.

Click the 'Create' button at the top left of the 'My Calendar' screen to view the 'Calendar Entry' screen.

The 'Calendar Entry' screen can also be accessed by clicking a cell in the calendar and clicking the 'Detail' button from the 'Event' pop-up.

Fields that require further explanation

All Day Event

Tick this box to display this event at the top of the calendar in the 'All Day' row.

Recurring Event

Click the 'Add' button to set this event up to repeat on additional days.

An event can be set up to recur:

  • Daily.

  • Weekly.

  • Monthly.

  • Yearly.

For each 'Repeat Type' (above) there is a corresponding set of fields.

For example, weekly requires you to nominate the day(s) that the event (within a week) will repeat on.

Click the 'Save' button to create the event.

Alternatively, click the 'Back to Event' button to save the recurring details and return to the 'Calendar Entry' screen.


Enter a Website address into the 'URL' field.

Websites must be prefixed with one of the following:





The program will automatically prefix your URL with http:// unless an alternative prefix is entered.


Two options are available to attach a file to this Calendar Entry:

  1. Drag and drop a file from your computer.

  2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

Assign To

This field allows you to nominate who else will be able to see your event.

No Assign       

Check this option to create an event that is visible only to you.


Check this option to assign this event to a custom group of students and/or staff.

If you use this option the group is static (as at the time you create the event).

Dynamic Assign

Check this option to assign this event to a group of people that could potentially change.

If you use this option the students or teachers who can view the event will change as people move in and out of the group. A dynamically assigned group can be:

  • A subject class.

  • Students in a team or other extracurricular activity.

  • Students invited or accepted on an event.

  • A group that was created using the Staff Kiosk Staff > Groups.

Click the 'Save' button to create your calendar event.

Or alternatively, if you chose to assign your event using the 'Student/Staff' or 'Dynamic Assign' options, click the 'Save and Assign' button to create your event and then choose the people that your event will be visible to.

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