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EC - Adding a New Extra Curricular Group


The following article explains how to add a new Extra Curricular Group in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Activity Groups.

How to Add a New Extra Curricular Group

To add an 'EC Activity Group', from the EC Group List, click the 'New' button.

The 'Extra Curricular Activity Group' modal will display.

*Business Unit

A 'Business Unit' is an EC division or department that runs independently to other areas.

For example, Sports vs Performing Arts.

Use the drop-down list to select the 'Business Unit' to which this EC Group belongs.

If your school does not use Business Units, this field will not be displayed.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

'Business Units' are created and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup, on the 'Business Units' tab.


Use the drop-down list to select the activity for this EC Group.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

'Extra Curricular Activities' are created and maintained in TASS.web Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activities' tab.


Use the drop-down list to select the year of participation for this activity.


Use the drop-down list to select the Semester (or Term) of participation for this activity.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

If your school is 'Term' based, the period of student participation may be broken down into additional 'Units' within each 'Term'.

For example:

  • Rock Climbing Term 1, Unit 1.

  • Rock Climbing Term 1, Unit 2.

These 'Units' can be defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Extra Curricular' tab.

Team / Level Publish Date

This is an optional field that will allow you to set the Date and Time that teams lists will be available in the Student and Parent Portals.

You would use this in the scenario where tryouts need to occur to determine the Team/Level that each student will be allocated.

The 'Team/Level Publish Date' will ensure that allocations remain private until all decisions have been made.

Sign-Up Options

The options in this section of the screen, control the sign-up availability and EC activity details when students 'sign-up' to participate in Student Café or parents 'sign-up the student' to participate in Parent Lounge.

Click on the 'Sign-Up Options' heading or use the '+' and '-' icons to expand/collapse the screen and view the 'Sign-up Option' fields. 

Click here for more information.

Student Café Sign-up and Parent Lounge Sign-up

When places in activities become available, a green 'Sign-up Available' button will appear in the upper right corner of the 'Extra Curricular' section in Student Café and/or Parent Lounge.  The visibility of this button is based on Sign-Up Options selected ('Student Café Sign-up' and/or 'Parent Lounge Sign-up'). Clicking the 'Sign-up Available' button will take the student/parent to the EC Sign-up screen where they will see a list of activities, each with its own individual 'Sign-up' button. The student/parent can then pick the activity and sign-up.

Activities involving a cost must be approved by a parent/caregiver.  Schools can decide for parents to ‘Pay at Sign-up’ or be ‘Billed Later’ when setting up the activity.  For more information, refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup > 'Activities' tab.

There are three different sign-up options which control the visibility, sign up and approval processes in Student Café and Parent Lounge

☑ Student Café Sign-up 

Click here for more information.

Only students can sign up for the activity in Student Café.  This option is for activities without a cost involved.  All activities involving a cost must be approved by parents and cannot be set up as Student sign-up only.

Tick 'Student Café Sign-up' only to allow the student to 'sign-up' for the activity in Student Café without parent/caregiver approval.

When the student signs-up, an automated email is sent to the parent/caregiver who has 'Staff View' ticked on the Student Record 'Address and Comm. Rules' tab.  No approval is required.   The system generated email template used is EC Sign-up from Student Cafe (Parent Approval Not Required). For more information about system generated email templates, refer to TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates

☑ Parent Lounge Sign-up 

Click here for more information.

Only parents can 'sign-up the student' for the activity in Parent Lounge.  Payments can be processed during the sign-up process if required. 

Tick 'Parent Lounge Sign-up' only to allow the parent to 'sign-up the student' for the activity in Parent Lounge and pay for the activity if required.  Students will not see or have the ability to sign-up. 

When the parent 'signs-up the student', an automated email is sent to the student for their information. No action is required by the student in Student Café. The system generated email template used is EC Sign-up from Parent Lounge.  For more information about system generated email templates, refer to TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates

☑ Student Café Sign-up + ☑ Parent Lounge Sign-up 

Click here for more information.

Students can sign-up for the activity in Student Café, and parents approve the activity in Parent Lounge and pay if required.  The parent can also 'sign-up the student' for the activity in Parent Lounge.

Tick both 'Student Café Sign-up' and 'Parent Lounge Sign-up' to allow the student to 'sign-up' for the activity in Student Café, with parent approval via Parent Lounge.   This also allows the same options as 'Parent only sign up'. 

When a student 'signs-up' this will reserve (or hold) a place for them in the activity.  An email is then sent to the parent/caregiver who has 'Staff View' ticked on the Student Record 'Address and Comm. Rules' tab.  The system generated email template used is EC Sign-up from Student Cafe

The parent/caregiver must then go to Parent Lounge 'Extra Curricular' section, click the 'Approve Sign-up' button, complete the required details, and click the 'Submit to School' button to approve the sign-up and complete the process. 

A confirmation email is then sent to the student.  The system generated email template used is EC Sign-up from Parent Lounge.  For more information about system generated email templates, refer to TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates

If the reservation is not approved within a preset time limit, then the place in the activity will be released and become available for other users.  For more information, refer to 'Student Cafe Sign-up Timeout' on TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Extra Curricular' tab.

Review and test student and parent sign-up using the ghost logon feature in Parent Lounge and Student Cafe.  

Click here for more information

To test 'Parent Lounge Sign-up'

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.

  2. Search for the parent of a student who would be invited to sign-up, based on 'Sign-Up Dates' and the Year Levels you have restricted sign-up to in Step 3.

  3. Use the 'Ghost Logon' function to access a parent's Parent Lounge account.

  4. In Parent Lounge navigate to Student Details > Extra Curricular.

  5. Use the 'Sign-Up' option located in the top right corner of the screen.

To test 'Student Café Sign-up'

  1. Navigate to the Staff Kiosk Toolbar,

  2. Search for a student who would be invited to sign-up, based on 'Sign-Up Dates' and the Year Levels you have restricted sign-up to in Step 3.

  3. Click the Hamburger menu and select the 'Ghost Logon' function to access the student's Student Cafe account.

  4. In Student Cafe navigate to My Activities > Extra Curricular

  5.  Use the 'Sign-up Available' button in the top right corner of the screen.  

Sign-up Start and
Sign-up End

Enter the dates when this activity will be available for 'sign-up' in Parent Lounge and/or Student Café.

Max Number of Students

Use this field to indicate the maximum number of students that can sign-up for this activity.

Once the maximum number of 'sign-ups' has been reached, Parent Lounge and/or Student Café will display that there are 'No places available'.

Available to Year Groups

Use this field to indicate the Year Groups who will be able to sign-up to this activity.

Available / Required UD Fields

This field can be used to collect additional information at the time of sign-up.

Examples might be:

  • A preferred playing position.

  • Experience level (i.e. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).

  • A photocopy of a firearms license for cadets.

Click the 'Edit' button to view the User Definable (UD) fields that have been set-up for this activity.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Activity-based user-definable fields are created and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activities' tab.

Using the picklist, indicate the User Defined fields that will be visible to Parents and/or Students during sign-up:

  • ‘Not included’ in Sign-up

  • ‘Available During Sign-up’

  • ‘Required During Sign-up’ (marked as a *mandatory field)

Note that once students have been accepted/assigned to an Activity Group, all User Defined fields are available visible to parents in Parent Lounge > Extra Curricular. 

Terms & Conditions Acknowledgement Required?

Tick this box to force parents to acknowledge the school's terms and conditions for student participation in this activity.   Terms and Conditions are not visible to students in Student Café.

The 'Terms & Conditions' confirmation dialog text, that is displayed to the parent in Parent Lounge, is set-up in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Extra Curricular' tab.

Terms & Conditions Document

The attachment that is added here will be available to parents only when accepting activity terms and conditions in Parent Lounge.

An example of this would be a PDF document that outlines the school's sports code of conduct.

Select the 'Choose' button to browse and select a file from your local directory.

Medical Details Verification Required?

Tick this box to force parents to acknowledge that medical details (displayed by hovering over or clicking on the 'Medical Details' icon) are correct when they sign-up their child to participate in this activity.

The 'Medical Details' confirmation dialog text, that is displayed to the parent in Parent Lounge, is set-up in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Extra Curricular' tab.

Sign-up Note

Enter a text note which will provide additional information for the parent and/or student during sign-up in Parent Lounge and/or Student Café.

Sign-up Document

Add an attachment to provide additional information for the parent and/or student during sign-up in Parent Lounge and/or Student Café.


The options in this section of the screen are used to maintain the details of rounds and fixtures for an Extra Curricular Group.

This section of the screen will only be displayed once the initial Extra Curricular Group record has been saved.  Edit the EC Activity Group and click on the 'Rounds' heading or use the '+' and '-' icons to expand/collapse the screen and view the 'Rounds' fields.

Typically used for sports, examples of the use of rounds and fixtures in Hockey might be:









Pre-Season Trials





Round 1


A Grade

St Mark's

B Grade

St Peter's

C Grade

St Luke's


Round 2


A Grade

St Andrew's

B Grade

St Phillip's

C Grade

St Anne's

The rounds and fixtures that are entered here will be displayed as a 'feed' and 'event' in student eDiaries.

After each fixture occurs, home and opposition scores can also be recorded and published through the Sports Portal.

To add a new round, click the 'Add Round' button.

*Activity Group

Automatically filled.


Enter a unique alphanumeric code (up to 3 characters) to define the sport round, e.g. R01

*Round Description

Enter a description for the round, e.g. Regionals - Round 1

 *Default Date

Use this field to indicate the default date that all fixtures for this round will occur.

The dates for individual fixtures can be modified if required.

Default Opposition

Use this field to indicate the default opposition that all teams will play against for this round.

The oppositions for individual fixtures can be modified if required.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Oppositions for the use in Sports Fixtures and Results are created and maintained in Staff Kiosk Extra Curricular > Opposition (Setup).

To add a fixture for this round, click the 'New Fixture' button.

Activity Coordinators

This section of the screen is used to define the staff who are responsible for coordinating this EC Group.

When the 'Students – Extra Curricular (My)' security permission is applied, Activity Coordinators will have access to the students in each team/level within an EC Group.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Two security permissions control the students that employees, external tutors and coaches have access to when using Staff Kiosk:

  1. Students — All

  2. Students — Extra Curricular (My)

The 'Students — Extra Curricular (My)' security permission will restrict access to students based on the Extra Curricular Groups they have been allocated, as either a coach, tutor or coordinator.

For example, an external Hockey Coach may only have access to programs where student details can be accessed, such as:

  • Extra Curricular Groups.

  • Extra Curricular Schedule.

  • Student Profile (for things such as Medical).

In addition to being able to access these programs, the 'Students — Extra Curricular (My)' security permission will mean, when using these programs, the external Hockey Coach will only to be able to see (and use) the students allocated to the groups/teams they coach.

Click the 'Add Coordinator' button to allocate a new coordinator to this EC Group.

Click the 'Add Coordinator' button to allocate a new coordinator to this Extra Curricular Group.

Activity Teams/Levels

This section of the screen is used to:

Buttons and Icons


'Add Team/Level' button

Define the teams/levels within this EC Group (Click the 'Add Team/Level' button).

Click here for an Administrator Note.

'Activity Teams/Levels' are created and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity Levels' tab.

Bulk add or remove students from a Team/Level within this EC Group.

Maintain the students in each team/level within an EC Group. 

Schedule individual student or team/level sessions (i.e. Practice or tuition).

Allocate coaches or tutors.

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