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CD - Invoice/Credit Upload


The Commercial Debtors ‘Invoice/Credit Upload’ program provides a convenient method to upload charge and credit transactions from a correctly formatted comma-delimited file. This is an alternative to entering charge and credit transactions individually through Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Transactions > Invoices or Credits.

The comma-delimited upload file can be easily created from a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet.

For this charge and credit upload to be successful, the spreadsheet must conform to the specifications that follow.

The spreadsheet must be saved in comma-delimited (CSV) format and contain the following columns:

Field No.

Field Name

Field Type/Size

Field Description


Transaction Type


Transaction type single character "1" = Invoice, "3" = Credit - NOT NULL.


Customer Code


Customer code. Must be a valid TASS customer code - NOT NULL.


Transaction Date


Transaction date in the format dd/mm/yyyy - NOT NULL.


GL Account


GL account code. Must be a valid TASS GL account code - NOT NULL.


Tax Code

char (3)

Transaction tax code. Must be a valid TASS tax code - NOT NULL where ABN is present.


Tax Percentage

decimal (5,2)

Transaction tax percentage must be greater than or equal to zero. 2 decimal places if required – NOT NULL.


Transaction Amount


Transaction amount must be greater than zero. Money amount with 2 decimal places if required - NOT NULL.


Tax Amount.


Tax amount must be greater than or equal to zero. 2 decimal places if required - NOT NULL.


Total Amount.


Total amount must be greater than zero. 2 decimal places if required (must equal 7+ 8) - NOT NULL.




Transaction Description, up to 4000 chars of free-form text.

No embedded commas.

  1. The sheet must NOT have header or footer rows.

  2. All formats must be removed from this sheet (Within Microsoft Excel® go Edit > Clear > Formats).

  3. Money amounts must be formatted to display 2 digits after the decimal point.

  4. Remove all other formats from money amounts including '$' and ',' separators for thousands.

  5. All fields cannot be at a 'NULL' value.

When the CSV file has been saved, select the 'Browse' button to locate and attach the file.

Select the 'GO' button to proceed with uploading the charges and credits file.

At the completion of a successful upload, the following message 'Invoice/Credit Upload successfully completed. NNN Invoices created and NNN Credits created' will be displayed.

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