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CD - Post Period Activity

CD Post Period Activity Overview

This program creates General Ledger journal batches for all customer transactions that have occurred since this program was last run and passes these journal batches to the G.L.

It would normally be an 'end of month' procedure to run this program, however, it may be run more often if required.

Commercial Debtors Without School Shop

If your school is running the Commercial Debtors module without the School Shop module then the journals that are produced are determined by the General Ledger accounts in program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup on the' Parameters' tab.

The following journals may be created by this program.

Cash Receipts Journal

        DR                    Cash at Bank

                  CR                    Debtors Control

 Sales Journal (invoices)

        DR                    Debtors Control

                  CR                    Income Accounts (keyed in during invoice entry)

                  CR                    (GST if applicable)

Sales Journal (credits)

        DR                    Income Accounts

        DR                    (GST if applicable)

                  CR                    Debtors Control

Commercial Debtors With School Shop

If your school is running the Commercial Debtors module with the School Shop module then the journals that are produced for this shop are determined by program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup on the 'GL Integration' tab. They are also determined by the accounts nominated in program Finance > School Shop > Setup Information > School Shop Setup on the 'Stock Groups' tab.

The following journals may be created by this program (depending on this shop's setup):

Cash Receipts Journal

        DR                    Cash at Bank

                  CR                    Debtors Control

Sales Journal (invoices)

        DR                    Debtors Control

                  CR                    Income Accounts

                  CR                    (GST if applicable)

Sales Journal (credits)

        DR                    Income Accounts

        DR                    (GST if applicable)

                  CR                    Debtors Control

Cost of Sales Journal (invoices)

Separate journal numbers for Shop Commercial and Department invoices only.

        DR                    Cost of Sales Account

                  CR                    Stock

Cost of Sales Journal (credits)

Separate journal numbers for Shop Commercial and Department invoices only.

        DR                    Stock

                  CR                    Cost of Sales Account

Department Expense Journal (invoices)

        DR    Department Expense

(derived at sale time from program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup on the 'Customer Types' tab in the 'Department Expense Account' field')

                  CR                    Debtors Control

Department Expense Journal (credits)

        DR                    Debtors Control

                  CR    Department Expense

(derived at sale time from program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Setup Information > Commercial Debtors Setup on the 'Customer Types' tab in the 'Department Expense Account' field')        

Click on the 'Post' link next to the period to initiate the post.

A posting report will be created detailing the general ledger accounts affected by this posting.

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