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EC - Student EC Certificates


The ‘Student EC Certificates’ program is used to create 'Student Extra Curricular Certificates'.

General Tab

You can produce a single EC Certificate for a single student or multiple EC Certificates for a range of students.  Use the selection criteria to define the certificates to print.

Producing a Certificate for a Single Student

To produce a certificate for a single student use the 'Student Code' field to select the appropriate student.

Click on the 'Binoculars' icon to display the 'Student Lookup' window.

Searchable fields within this window are 'Student Code', 'Surname', 'Given Names', 'Preferred Name', 'Year', 'Class', 'Gender', 'Boarder', 'House', 'PC Tutor Group', 'DOB', 'Date of Entry' and the 'Date Left'.

Enter the required filters and click on the 'Search' button to display the corresponding records (if any exist within your chosen criteria).

Producing Certificates for Multiple Students

If you are printing multiple certificates for a range of students you can use the 'Year', 'Semester*', 'Term', 'Campus', 'Year Group', 'Form Class' and 'Boarder' fields as filters.

After making your selections, select the 'Print' tab.

Print Tab

Sort Options

Choose the order the certificates will be displayed.

Formatting Options

Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Report Options

Print Activity UD Data

Tick this checkbox to include the Activity specific user-defined data on the certificates.

These are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity' tab. Click on this link for examples of 'Activity' UD' fields.

Print Activity Type UD Data

Tick this checkbox to include the Activity Type user-defined data on the certificates.

These are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity Types' tab.  Click on this link for examples of 'Activity Type UD' fields.

Print School Name and Logo

Untick this checkbox if the certificates are being printed on a pre-printed form that already includes the school name and logo (eg: printing on to letterhead).

Consolidate by Semester*

Tick this checkbox to consolidate when a student has the same activity for two semesters* within the same year.  

Consolidate by Term**

Tick this checkbox to consolidate when a student has the same activity for two terms** within the same semester.

There may be some activities that you don't want to be consolidated. You can exclude these activities by un-ticking the 'Consolidate on EC Certificates' box in TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup on the 'Activity' tab.

Print Semester*

Tick this checkbox to print the semester* on the certificates.

Print Term**

Tick this checkbox to print the term* on the certificates.

Print comment

Tick this checkbox to print activity comments for students on the certificates. 

Comments are entered using TASS.web Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Student Information > Student Activities.


Certificates can be grouped by 'Activity' or 'Year of Participation'. 

Footer Lines

The justification of the footer lines can be either 'Left Justified' or 'Centered' on the certificates.

Report Title

This field can be used to enter an alternative name for the certificates.


Report Footer Line 1 to 3

The data entered here will print at the end of each certificate.

You might use it to include the name and title of the head of sport etc.

Click the 'Go' button to produce your certificates.

* The description of the extra curricular period that is displayed in this field is school definable (therefore it may not necessarily be 'Semester'). For example, your school may be term-based (as opposed to semester based) and accordingly this screen may be displaying a description of 'Term'.

** The description that is displayed in this field is school definable (therefore it may not necessarily be 'Term'). There also may be no field here at all if your school is not using this functionality.

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