TER - Teacher Substitution Details
The Teacher Substitution Details program maintains the details of the Teacher Substitution record. With this program you can:
Assign a substitute teacher to a class
Define that a substitute teacher is not required for a class
Set the room for the substitute class to take place in
Trigger an email to send to the substitute teacher, the teacher being substituted and the TASS.web user who recorded the substitution (valid email required)
Trigger an SMS to send to the substitute teacher (valid mobile phone number and SMS API Gateway required)
Add details for the class task and attachments
Add comments, feedback and attachments
Fields and options that require detailed information | |
No Substitute Required | This checkbox determines that a substitute isn't required. If you check this, the 'Substitute Teacher' name will be cleared and disabled and the class on the calendar changes to yellow to indicate a substitute teacher is not required for that class. |
Substitute Teacher | This searches for substitute teachers, which you can then select to allocate to the class. N.B. Non-current teachers will be included. |
Room | This identifies the room where the substitution will take place. The original room will display, and you can search for and select an alternative room. |
Email Notifications | Checking this box sends (on saving the substitution details) an email to be sent to the substitute teacher, the teacher being substituted and the current TASS.web user are also emailed. There will be an icon displayed if the substitute teacher doesn't have a valid school email address in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the 'General' tab. |
SMS Notification to Substitute | Checking this box will trigger an SMS to be sent (on saving the substitution details) to the substitute teacher. There will be an icon displayed if the substitute teacher doesn't have a SMS enabled mobile phone number in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the 'Address' tab. The SMS Gateway API must be set up and enabled for this to work. |
Home Phone | The home phone number for the substitute teacher (from their employee record). |
Mobile Phone | The mobile phone number for the substitute teacher (from their employee record). |
School email | The email address for the substitute teacher (from their employee record). |
PC/Tutor Group | The PC/Tutor Group of the student teacher (from their teacher record). |
Department | The substitute teacher's department and the department descriptions. |
Campus | The substitute teacher's campus and the campus descriptions. |
Class Task | Enter details of the task for the class. You have up to 4000 characters to provide details. |
Class Task Attachment | Add an attachment for the class task. You can only add one attachment and if there are multiple files, it is recommended to use a file collation tool, such as a files zipper. |
Comment | Enter comments regarding the details of the task for the class. You have up to 4000 characters to provide details. |
Comment Attachment | You can add an attachment for the comment. You can only add one attachment and if there are multiple files, it is recommended to use a file collation tool, such as a files zipper. |
Feedback | Enter details of feedback for the task for the class. You have up to 4000 characters to provide details. |
Feedback Attachment | You can add an attachment for the feedback. You can only add one attachment and if there are multiple files, it is recommended to use a file collation tool, such as a files zipper. |