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Resource Booking System


This program provides a facility to book free rooms and resources that are available at your school.

When you access the program, the screen will display a list of all rooms and resources and any bookings for the current day.

Rooms that have been timetabled will display as a booking in red.

Rooms and resources that are booked using the Resource Booking System will be displayed in blue.

Hover over the booked cells for more information about the booking, including duration and the employee who is using the room/resource.

If you need to contact the person who has booked a room/resource, click on the booking to view the 'Resource Booking' pop-up and select the 'envelope' icon.

Tick the 'Rows' option to display where multiple bookings (clashes) exist for the same time period.

You can use the other filters at the top of the screen to return a different list of rooms and resources:

  • Category.

  • Features.

  • Campus.

  • Date.

An example of using the 'features' filter might be if you may be looking for a room to book that also has an interactive whiteboard in it.

By default, the 'Resource Booking' grid will display bookings from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in 1-hour timeslots.

You can use the options at the top of the screen to:

  • Display the day from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. (use the '24 Hour' option).

  • Change the timeslots to 30, 20, 15, 10 or 5-minute intervals.

  • Change the timeslots from hours/minutes to timetabled periods.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The Rooms and Resources available in this program are defined by:

  • TASS.web program Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Rooms' tab.

  • TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Resources.

Categories are set up using:

  • TASS.web program Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Kiosk Setup on the 'Room/Resource Categories' tab.

Creating a Booking

Before making a booking, you should check: 

  • If the room/resource has any Alerts. Check for 'yellow alert' icon.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Attachments and Alerts are maintained using programs:

  • For Resources, use TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Kiosk Setup.

  • For Rooms, useTASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Rooms' tab.

  • If the room/resource has any documents attached. Check for 'document' icon.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Attachments and Alerts are maintained using programs:

  • For Resources, use TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Kiosk Setup.

  • For Rooms, useTASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup on the 'Rooms' tab.

There are two methods available for creating a booking:

  1. Speed Mode (using the 'Resource Booking' pop-up).

  2. Detailed Entry (using the 'Resource Booking' screen).

On saving a new resource booking, an automatic email will be generated to the following:

  • The employee nominated in the 'Booked By' field on the booking.

  • The employee nominated in the 'Booked For' field on the booking.

  • The nominated Category Administrator/s if the notifications have been enabled for the category.

Click here for an Administrator Note

Category Administrators are nominated in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Kiosk Setup.

Speed Mode (Using the 'Resource Booking' Popup)

With your mouse, click on the start time for your booking to open the 'Resource Booking' pop-up.

To nominate a time range for your booking, click and drag your mouse across over multiple time cells.

If required, enter a 'Comment' then click the 'Save' button to create your booking.

To create a booking with more detailed information, click the 'Detail' button to open the 'Resource Booking' screen.

Detailed Entry (Using the 'Resource Booking - Detail' Screen)

This mode of booking entry will allow you to:

  • Manually adjust the 'Start Time' and 'End Time'.

  • Change the employee for who the room/resource is being booked.

  • Enter a recurrence for this booking.

  • Assign multiple resources for this booking.
    Click the 'magnifying glass' icon to switch between 'Multiple' and 'Single' resource booking modes. In 'Multiple Resource Booking' mode, click the 'Find Available Resources' button to display a grid of available resources. Tick the resources to assign to this booking.

  • Send an email to the person that has booked the room/resource.

  • Enter a 'Comment' of up to 4000 characters.

  • Attach multiple files to a booking.
    Two options are available to attach a file(s) to this booking: 

    1. Drag-and-drop a file from your computer.

    2. Use the 'Choose' button to locate the file.

To create a 'Detailed Entry' booking, click a cell in the 'Resource Booking Grid' to view the 'Resource Booking' pop-up. Click the 'Detail' button to display the 'Resource Booking - Detail' screen.

Editing a Booking

You will be able to delete or change the details of a booking when:

  • You were the person who created the booking.

  • The booking is for you.

  • You are an 'Administrator' of the category to which this room/resource belongs.

On saving a new resource booking, an automatic email will be generated to the following:

  • The employee nominated in the 'Booked By' field on the booking.

  • The employee nominated in the 'Booked For' field on the booking.

  • The nominated Category Administrator/s if the notifications have been enabled for the category.

You can also edit bookings in Staff Kiosk program Staff > Resource Bookings.

Click here for an Administrator Note

Category Administrators are nominated in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Kiosk Setup.

Check a Booking

Staff Kiosk program Staff > Resource Bookings allows you to:

  • Print a list of Resource Bookings.

  • Search for existing Resource Bookings using multiple filters (at the top of the screen).

  • View or Edit an existing Resource Booking.

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